본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원 상주지원 2014.02.18 2013고단423


A Imprisonment with prison labor of one year and six months, and Defendant B shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor of ten months.


Punishment of the crime

(2) On February 16, 2012, Defendant A was sentenced to six months of imprisonment for special larceny at the Daegu District Court on February 16, 2012, and completed the execution of the sentence at the Daegu Detention Center on March 25, 2012.

[2013 Highest 423: Defendant A]

1. From April 7, 2012, around 02:00, the thief Defendant reported the F apartment path in front of the F apartment house in Chungcheongnam-si, Chungcheongnam-si, with the victim G parked in the front of the vehicle, it is clear that the “300,000 won” as stated in the facts charged in the facts charged in the said vehicle is a clerical error in light of evidence (e.g., 58 pages).

The market value of 600,000,000 won was stolen with 130,000 won, 1,000,000 won, and 1,000,000 won, and 2,80,000,000 won.

2. Around 05:40 on September 5, 2013, the Defendant violated the Road Traffic Act (unlicensed Driving) driving, the Defendant driven an IDKS truck at the 6km section after the training-dong office located in the Cheongju-si training-dong without obtaining a driver’s license, following the training-dong office located in the Cheongju-si-dong-dong-si-si-si-si-si-si-si-si-si-dong-si (hereinafter “Cheongju-si”).

[2013 Highest 565] Defendants

3. Defendants who attempted special larceny play the role of cutting electric wires using a cutting machine by Defendant B’s listed on the telegraph pole, Defendant A was urged to cut the electric wires in the location of the drones by means of organizing the electric wires cut by the above B and carrying them on the vehicle, and combining them on August 9, 2013, at around 470, the victim’s price of electric wires in an amount equivalent to 5.80,000 won at the victim’s market price owned by the Korea Electric Power Corporation, which was installed in the above area, was cut off by 240m of electric wires at the victim’s price, from around 23:25, 2013.
