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텍스트 조절
(영문) 광주지방법원목포지원 2017.09.20 2017가단51267
주주확인 등

1. Between the Plaintiff and Defendant C, it is confirmed that the Plaintiff is a shareholder of the shares listed in the separate sheet.

2. Defendant.


1. Basic facts

A. The status of the parties 1) Defendant B Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “Defendant Company”).

A) On November 27, 2007, a corporation is established for the purpose of manufacturing ship structures. The Plaintiff is a person who actually operates the Defendant Company while acting as the representative of the Defendant Company inside and outside of Korea. Defendant C is a shareholder of 8,000 shares issued by the Defendant Company and a director of the Defendant Company as a director of the Defendant Company. 2) Nonparty D (the representative director of the Defendant Company until October 11, 2010), E, and F, registered as a shareholder of the Defendant Company, is the Plaintiff’s co-existence, and the representative director G of the Defendant Company is the Plaintiff.

B. Attached to the process of change in the shareholder name of the Defendant Company, see attached Form 1) Defendant Company’s total number of 10,000 shares originally issued (in the face value of 10,000 won per share and outstanding shares; hereinafter the same shall apply)

) At the time of establishment of KRW 100 million, D was listed as shareholders of KRW 8,00 and KRW 1,000 on the list of shareholders, respectively, and transfer was made in the name of G on October 11, 2010 with respect to the said shares 1,000 shares in the F’s name. 2) After that, around December 27, 2010, the total number of shares issued by the Defendant Company was 20,000 shares with capital increase as KRW 20,000, and accordingly, D on the list of shareholders was listed as shareholders of KRW 16,000, E, and G, respectively.

3) On January 11, 2012, among shares 16,000 shares of D, 2,000 shares were registered in the name of E; for shares 6,000 shares in the name of G; for shares 8,000 shares, each transfer was made in the name of G; for shares 4,000 shares in the name of E, the transfer was made in the name of G on January 31, 2013; for shares 4,000 shares in the name of E, the transfer was made in the name of H, a foreign investor, on April 9, 2015.

C. The Plaintiff’s notice of termination of title trust is D with shares listed in the separate sheet (hereinafter “instant shares”).
