본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2017.09.07 2017가합517580
주주권확인 등의 소

1. Of the instant lawsuit, the part of the claim for performance of the procedure for notifying the transfer of shares is dismissed.

2. Par value issued by C.


1. Basic facts

A. The status of the parties 1) C Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “C”)

(2) On January 17, 1992, the Plaintiff is a corporation established for the purpose of manufacturing, processing, and selling mutual assistance devices, and the Plaintiff is registered as C’s representative director from the time of its establishment to the date of its establishment. 2) The Plaintiff’s wife, D, the Defendant, E, and F are all G’s children, and H is the Defendant’s wife.

B. Plaintiff 1,400 number of shares owned by the shareholder list Nos. 1,400 2, Defendant 1,400 3 I 500 Do 500 4 E 500 Do 250 6 H 250 7 G 250 8, J 250 8, 450 Do 500) was established with the total number of shares issued (1 per share par value of KRW 10,000) and KRW 50,000 capital as stated below. At the time of its establishment, eight shareholders, including the Plaintiff, were listed as the following 9 shareholders. The number of shares owned by 16,602, Defendant 500 Do 18,400 Do 18,004 E 9,005 D 90,000 Do 979,000 Do 98,000 Do 97,000.

Plaintiff 1, 131,600, Defendant 30,400 Da 18,000 up to 180,000 G died in around 200, and the nominal owner on the register of shareholders of 9,000 shares in possession was changed to F, a parent of G.

In addition, around 2004, 20, 200 shares out of the shares in the name of the defendant, 9,000 shares in H, 9,00 shares in the name of F in the name of 2013, 18,00 shares in the name of F in the name of 2014, and 18,00 shares in the name of I and E in the name of 2014 were changed to the plaintiff.

Therefore, in 2015, three shareholders such as plaintiffs, defendants, and D were listed as listed below in C's register of shareholders.

C. On February 17, 2017, the Plaintiff notified the termination of the title trust to the Defendant.
