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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울서부지방법원 2018.06.11 2018고단1154

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.


Punishment of the crime

As a staff member of the so-called “singishing”, a person with no name, entices the victim to withdraw money from the victim to deliver it to the defendant, etc. by misrepresenting the public prosecutor, etc. The defendant et al. conspiredd with the following acts: (a) misrepresenting the staff member of the Financial Supervisory Service; and (b) remitting money to the sing organization by receiving cash from the victims.

1. On December 12, 2017, the victim AD’s name influorial name was phoneed to the victim AD and was used for the crime of creating a passbook in the name of the party. The Seoul Central District Prosecutor AE prosecutor, who was a party, was using the passbook in the name of the party.

Since the daily allowances are likely to obtain loans under the name of the party, the party makes a false statement of credit card loan in advance and deliver the said money to the employees of the Financial Supervisory Service. From around 16:52 of the same day, the party shall induce the victim to deliver cash of KRW 12 million to the Defendant with the “AG store” near the Seoul Mapo-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government AF Station on the same day, and the Defendant received the said money from the victim as if the victim was an employee of the Financial Supervisory Service.

2. On December 14, 2017, the victim AH calls to the victim AH on or around 09:40 on December 14, 2017, and misrepresenting the victim AH to the public prosecutor of the Seoul Central District Public Prosecutor’s Office and the investigator, and falsely concluding that “ Various damages have occurred as the bank account was opened in a middle country and used as a passbook in a large country, but if the victim wishes to withdraw cash without permission, the organization that opened the passbook shall collect all the money in the account and deliver it to the Financial Supervisory Service, and if an asset protection application is prepared, the organization that opened the passbook shall safely protect the cash in the country at the same time and at the same time prove suspicion.” On the same day, the victim shall be the victim at the 215-Gu Daejeon Special Metropolitan City, Daejeon District Public Prosecutor, Daejeon Special Metropolitan City Public Prosecutor’s Office and one of the cash 1.
