(영문) 서울고법 1983. 4. 6. 선고 82나3100,3101 제3민사부판결 : 확정


Main Issues

If the owner of an electric structure for private use enters into a contract for vicarious execution of security affairs, the responsibility for security under the Electric Utility Act or the location of the structure liability under the Civil Act.

Summary of Judgment

Since security responsibility for the construction, maintenance, and operation of a private-use electric structure under the Electric Utility Act is apparent that it is its owner, even if a household owner entered into a separate contract with the Korea Electrical Safety Corporation to vicariously perform its security duties, it is merely an internal relationship between the owner and the above non-party construction, and thus, it does not exempt the security liability under the Electric Utility Act or the structure liability under

[Reference Provisions]

Article 758 of the Civil Act, Article 49 of the Electric Utility Act

Plaintiff, appellant and appellee

Plaintiff 1 and one other

Defendant, Appellant and Appellant

Sungnam-si 1

The first instance

Seoul District Court East Branch (81 Gohap1190, 1983 (Joint))


1. Of the parts against the plaintiffs in the original judgment, the part against which payment order is given below shall be revoked.

The Defendants jointly and severally pay to the Plaintiffs each amount of KRW 1,269,904 and the amount calculated by the rate of five percent per annum from May 19, 1981 to the date of full payment.

2. The plaintiffs' remaining appeals and the claims extended in the trial and all appeals by the defendants are dismissed.

2. All the costs of lawsuit are five-minutes of the first and second instances, and these two are the plaintiffs, and the remainder are the defendants' joint and several burdens.

4. The part on which the original judgment in paragraph (1) above and paragraph (1) above in the original judgment has not been sentenced, may be provisionally executed;

Purport of claim

The defendants jointly and severally pay to the plaintiffs an amount of 14,347,019 won and an amount of 25 percent per annum from May 19, 1981 to the date of full payment.

Costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the defendants, and a judgment of provisional execution (in the first instance, the claim shall be expanded).

Purport of appeal

(Purpose of appeal by plaintiffs): Revocation of the part against the plaintiffs in the original judgment.

The defendants jointly and severally pay to the plaintiffs an amount of 6,735,983 won and an amount of 25 percent per annum from May 19, 1981 to the date of full payment.

The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Defendants in both the first and second instances, and a declaration of provisional execution.

(Purpose of appeal by the defendant): Revocation of the part against the defendants in the original judgment, and dismissal of the plaintiffs' claims against it.

All the costs of lawsuit are assessed against the plaintiffs in the first and second instances.


1. Occurrence of liability for damages;

진정성립에 다툼이 없는 갑 제3호증(사체검안서), 갑 제4호증(인사기록카드), 갑 제5호증(경력증명), 갑 제10호증의 1(감전사 사건처리 결과보고), 2(변사사건 발생보고), 3 내지 7(각 진술조서), 을 제3호증(전력수급계약서), 을 제8호증(검사결과통보), 을 제9호증(자가용 전기공작물의 보안에 관한 계약서)의 각 기재와 원심증인 소외 2, 김이수, 한용학 및 당심증인 김응수의 각 증언(다만, 위 각 증언중 뒤에 믿지않는 부분은 각 제외) 및 원심감정인 임도수의 감정결과와 원심의 현장검증결과에 변론의 전취지를 종합하면, 피고 성남시 건설과 도로계 소속 지방토목기원보로 재직중이던 소외 1이 1981. 5. 18. 11:15경 같은 도로계에 근무하는 지방토목기원 소외 2를 조장으로 지방토목기원보인 소인 3과 한조가 되어 성남시 상대원 1동 소재 성남 제2공단내 간선도로 포장공사실시 설계를 위한 기초조사를 하고자 피고 덕천산업주식회사(이하 피고 덕천산업이라 한다) 앞 노폭 약 15미터의 경사진 도로에서 넓이, 고저 및 경사도등을 측량하면서, 조장인 소외 2는 줄자를 사용하여 측량기준점을 잡고 소외 3은 측량기구인 레벨을 들여다 보고 소외 1은 알미늄제 함척(길이 5미터)을 들고 위 도로의 높은 쪽에서 낮은 쪽으로 측량을 하며 내려오던중 소외 1이 피고 덕천산업의 담장옆 도로 가장자리 부분에 쌓여 있는 흙더미(높이 약 80센치미터)위에 올라가 들고 있던 함척을 찍는 순간 그 함척이 그곳 상공을 통과하는 22,900볼트의 특별고압전선에 접촉되어 감전됨으로써 현장에서 사망하게 된 사실, 위 사고지점의 특별고압전선은 피고 덕천산업이 소외 한국전력공사로부터 산업용 전력을 공급받기 위하여 위 도로상에 설치된 위 한국전력공사 소유의 단지간 90좌 3우 5좌 2호 전주로부터 끌어들여 위 도로를 비스듬히 가로 질러서 설치한 나동선의 특별고압가공인입전선으로서 피고 덕천산업소유의 자가용 전기공작물인 바, 피고 덕천산업으로서는 위 사고지점이 차량통행은 할 수 없으나 사람이 접근할 수 있는 장소이므로 전기설비기술기준령 제118조 의 규정에 따라 지표상 5미터 이상의 이격거리를 두고 고압전선을 설치하여야 함은 물론 위 사고지점 부근의 도로를 횡단하여 고압전선을 설치하여야 할 경우에는 위 기준령 제118조 , 제111조 의 규정에 따라 지표상 6미터 이상의 이격거리를 유지하여야 함에도 불구하고 위 사고지점에서는 지표상 약 4.8미터의 이격거리만 유지하고 그 부근의 도로상에서는 최저 5.75미터, 최고 8.35미터의 이격거리를 두어 부분적으로 법정이격거리에 미달되게 고압전선을 설치 관리한 사실, 한편 피고 성남시의 소속 공무원인 소외 2는 조장으로서 같은 조원인 소외 3과 망 소외 1을 지휘하여 측량작업을 함에 있어 사전에 주위의 상황 및 장애물의 유무를 잘 살펴 위 사고 장소에 산업용 특별고압선이 도로를 가로질러 비스듬히 설치되어 있는 것을 발견하고(이는 쉽사리 발견할 수 있는 상황에 있었다) 작업조원들에게 이를 주지시켜 사전에 주의를 주는등 위험발생을 방지할 조치를 취하지 아니하고 소외 3 또한 작업조장인 소외 2의 지휘에 따라 측량기구인 레벨을 들여다 보며 망 소외 1로 하여금 함척을 찍게 함에 있어 주위의 상황을 잘 살펴 주의를 기울였다면 그 함척이 위 고압전선에 닿아 감전사고가 발생할 가능성도 쉽게 알 수 있었음에도 불구하고 그 주의의무를 게을리 한채 망 소외 1에게 위험한 상황을 주지시키지 아니하여 위와 같은 사고가 발생한 사실을 인정할 수 있고 이에 배치되는 을 제11호증(을 제17호증과 같다)의 기재와 원심증인 소외 2, 김이수, 한용학, 당심증인 소외 3, 강춘근의 각 일부 증언은 믿지 아니하며 달리 위 인정을 좌우할 증거가 없으므로 결국 이 사건 사고는 피고 성남시 소속 공무원인 소외 2(또는 소외 2 및 소외 3)의 위와 같은 직무집행상의 과실과 피고 덕천산업이 점유 및 소유하는 자가용 전기공작물의 설치 또는 보존상의 하자가 경합되어 발생하였다고 할 것이고, 한편 진정성립에 다툼이 없는 갑 제1호증(호적등본)의 기재에 의하면 원고 1, 2는 망 소외 1의 부모인 사실이 인정되므로 피고 성남시는 그 소속 공무원인 소외 2(또는 소외 2 및 소외 3)의 직무집행상의 과실로 말미암아 국가배상법 제2조 제1항 의 규정에 의하여, 피고 덕천산업은 자가용 전기공작물의 소유자 겸 점유자로서 위 사고로 말미암아 원고들이 입은 손해를 배상할 책임이 있고, 피고들의 손해배상책임은 부진정 연대채무의 관계에 있으므로 피고들은 연대하여 그 손해를 배상할 책임이 있다 할 것이다.

The defendant Taecheon Industries stated that the above defendant is not liable for damages of this case because it entered into a contract on the security of the electric structure for private use with the non-party Korea Electrical Safety Corporation and caused the above non-party construction. However, since the security responsibility for the construction, maintenance and operation of the electric structure for private use under the Electric Utility Act is obvious that it is the owner, even if the contract was entered into between the defendant and the non-party construction, it is merely an internal relationship between the defendant and the above non-party construction, and it is not exempt from the security responsibility under the Electric Utility Act or the structure liability under the Civil Act. Thus, the above defendant's assertion is groundless.

However, according to the above evidence, since the deceased non-party 1 was a survey technician who acquired survey techniques from the time of attending the vocational high school, the above deceased is also able to recognize the facts that the above accident occurred while using a aluminium box leading well to the electricity, and the situation of the placement of the surrounding topography and electric facilities, etc., as well as the above breath, which is a survey apparatus, is 5 meters in length only when the length can be adjusted by connecting four parts of the survey apparatus with 1.3 meters by connecting four parts of a aluminiumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumumum with the length of 1.3 meters, so it is not particularly necessary, and it is necessary to use it with an appropriate length (in light of the topography and gradient of the above accident site, it is not necessary to use the above 4 meters as 5 meters in length) without taking such measures. Thus, the above breath cannot be viewed as exempt from liability for damages by the defendants.

2. Scope of liability for damages

(a) Estimated import loss amount;

In full view of the preceding purport of the pleadings as follows: Gap evidence 1, Eul evidence 4 and 5, Gap evidence 6 (Certification of Benefits) and Eul evidence 12 (In fact inquiry), the deceased non-party 1 shall be physically healthy male born on July 7, 1957, and shall have completed military service for 23 years and 10 months, and shall have received the salary of Grade 9-4 for the construction of Sungnam-si and the local civil engineering technicians belonging thereto, and he shall not have received the salary of Grade 9-4 for 9-5 on January 1, 1982, and he shall not have received the above KRW 93,500, KRW 30, KRW 400, KRW 100, KRW 97, KRW 400, KRW 97, KRW 405, KRW 97, KRW 97, KRW 405, KRW 97, KRW 4000, KRW 97, KRW 4000.

According to the above facts, for ten months from the time of the accident in question without the accident in question until March 31, 1982, the deceased shall be 116,530 won monthly average income (174,795 won x 1/3) for 174,795 won and living expenses (174,795 won) for 363 months from April 1, 1982 until he reaches the age of 55, 139,867 won monthly average income (209,800 won x 1/3) for 139,867 won (209,80 won x 1/600) and net income. Since the plaintiffs shall claim for damages equivalent to the above amount as of the date of the accident in question x 176,719,786,719,767,719,719,767,719,767,7196,767, etc. of this case shall be calculated based on the date of the accident in question x 167.

However, according to the above evidence No. 1, the plaintiffs succeeded to the right to claim damages of the deceased as co-ownership heir of the deceased non-party 1 according to their respective statutory shares of inheritance. Thus, the plaintiffs succeeded to the right to claim damages each of the above amounts of 7,880,938 won (15,761,876 won x 1/2).

(b) consolation money;

The plaintiffs can easily see that the deceased non-party 1, who is his own son, suffered severe mental pain due to the death as above. Thus, the defendants have a duty to avoid the plaintiffs' mental pain. As seen earlier, considering the circumstance and result of the accident in this case, the degree of negligence between the above deceased and the defendants, the age of the above deceased, and the level of education of the above deceased, etc., the amount of consolation money to be paid by the defendants shall be determined with 1,00,000 won per each of the plaintiffs.

3. Conclusion

Therefore, the defendants are jointly and severally liable to pay to the plaintiffs each amount of 8,880,938 won (7,880,938 won + 1,000,000 won) and damages for delay in accordance with the civil legal interest rate of 5% per annum from May 19, 1981 to the date following the date following the above accident occurred. Thus, the plaintiffs' claim of this case is justified only within the above recognized limit (the plaintiffs are claiming payment of damages for delay in accordance with the rate of 25% per annum as prescribed by the Act on Special Cases Concerning the Promotion, etc. of Legal Proceedings, etc.). However, according to the purport of the parties' pleading, it is reasonable to dispute about the existence and scope of the defendants' liability for damages to the plaintiffs, and it is not rejected). Since the original judgment differently recognized the above cited amount, the court below's judgment is dismissed, and it is so decided as to the difference between the cited amount in the original judgment and the part against the plaintiffs' claim of 9% per annum and the remaining part of the defendant's claim of 9.

Judges Yellowdon (Presiding Judge)