(영문) 대법원 2019. 05. 30. 선고 2019두33842 판결

(심리불속행) 망인의 사망 전 유언공정증서에 따른 소유권이전등기는 증여라 볼 수 없어 증여세 과세대상이 아님[일부패소]

Case Number of the immediately preceding lawsuit

Seoul High Court-2018-Nu-5202 ( October 16, 2019)


(B) The registration of transfer of ownership by will prior to the death of the deceased is not subject to gift tax because it cannot be viewed as a gift.


(Summary of the Judgment of the Supreme Court) No evidence exists to deem that the deceased had an intention to transfer ownership of real estate by gift before the birth of a gift, contrary to the intention indicated in a notarial deed of will, a disposition imposing the gift tax is unlawful.

Related statutes

Article 2 (Gift Tax Taxables) of Inheritance Tax and Gift Tax Act


The appeal is dismissed.

The costs of appeal are assessed against the defendant.


All of the records of this case and the judgment of the court below and the grounds of appeal were examined, but the grounds of appeal by the appellant are not included in the grounds provided by each subparagraph of Article 4(1) of the Act on Special Cases Concerning the Procedure for Appeal. Thus, the appeal is dismissed pursuant to Article 5 of the same Act. It is so decided as per Disposition by the assent