(영문) 창원지방법원 2015. 2. 10. 선고 2014고단3440 판결





Escopic (prosecution), maximum number of cases (public trial)

Defense Counsel

Attorney Geum-chul


A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.

Criminal facts

On June 14, 2014, the defendant, who became aware of a smartphone dump dump dump dump dump dump dump (n, 13 years old) is in a poor situation, such as sumping the concept of well-being and leaving no place well-dump, etc., so if the defendant wants to do so in the telecom, using the fact that he will go to the telecom, and if the defendant introduces another male, he will go to the telecom, and has sexual intercourse continuously while having a fump dump dump dump, and had the fump dump sell and sell it.

피고인은 2014. 6. 19. 12:30경 김해시 (주소 생략) 피고인의 집에서, pc를 이용하여 인터넷 토크온상에 "김해 15세 ㄱㅊㄴ(가출녀) 데려가실 분, 제시"라는 채팅 방을 만들고, 방에 들어와 ‘80만 원에 가출녀를 데려가겠다.’라고 하여 피고인의 아동매매 제안을 받아들이는 신OO에게 ‘오후 2시까지 김해 외동 ○○은행 내에 기다리고 있으면 그 장소로 찾아가 80만 원을 받고 그 즉시 가출녀를 넘겨 주겠다.’고 하였다.

At around 14:00 on the same day, the Defendant was arrested by a police officer who was dispatched to the site upon receipt of a report from a newO, and attempted to sell MaO to MaO after MaO was born to move MaO in the vicinity of the ○○ Bank located outside of Kimhae-si on the same day.

Summary of Evidence

1. Defendant's legal statement;

1. Each police statement made against Professor, Professor, Nonindicted 1, and Nonindicted 3

1. A report on the results of analysis of photographs and dialogues and digital evidence by cutting-out closures;

1. Each investigation report (based on the comparison of letters with Nonindicted 3 and Nonindicted 1, the attachment of letters to Defendant and NewO, and the confirmation of details of financial transactions);

Application of Statutes

1. Article applicable to criminal facts;

Article 73, Article 71(1)1, and Article 17 subparag. 1 of the Child Welfare Act

1. Selection of punishment;

Imprisonment Selection

Reasons for sentencing

Although the Defendant’s act is against the Defendant, committed an attempted crime, and the circumstances that there was no record of criminal punishment are considered in favor of him. However, the Defendant’s act was committed by taking account of the victim’s vulnerable condition, and it is difficult to view that the Defendant’s act was committed by taking account of the Defendant’s attitude during the crime, and it is difficult to view that the Defendant’s act was committed as a minor person and perceived as a minor person. The record of receiving juvenile protective disposition due to a sex offense in the past ought to be considered disadvantageously. In addition, the Defendant’s age, character and behavior, health and health conditions, home environment, motive, means, consequence, etc. of the crime, all of the sentencing factors indicated in the records of this case, such as the Defendant’s age, character and environment, home environment, motive, consequence

Judges Kim Tae-ok