(영문) 대구고법 1976. 2. 13. 선고 75나577 제4민사부판결 : 상고


Main Issues

The duty to take measures against the driver of a motor vehicle standing for loading and unloading

Summary of Judgment

The driver of a vehicle manufactured so as to avoid even the door of the vehicle from the beginning stopped the vehicle at the end to get off the string of the vehicle, to have the string down the string, to have the string down the string down, and to stop the vehicle as far as possible, and the driver of the vehicle took full charge of duties necessary to stop the vehicle. Accordingly, even if another person is found to go through the string of the vehicle by using another key, and caused a mistake in operating the string and driving the vehicle, the driver of the vehicle cannot be held liable for negligence.

[Reference Provisions]

Articles 750 and 756 of the Civil Act

Reference Cases

Supreme Court Decision 74Da407 Decided June 10, 1975 (Kakadd 10979; Supreme Court Decision 23 ②B citizen 126; Supreme Court Decision 750Da221); Supreme Court Gazette 517No. 8517 Decided June 10, 197

Plaintiff, appellant and appellee

Plaintiff 1 and five others

Defendant, Appellant and Appellant

Resident Agricultural Cooperatives

Judgment of the lower court

Daegu District Court (71 Gohap624) in the first instance

Judgment of remand

Supreme Court Decision 74Da407 Delivered on June 10, 1975


1. Revocation of the part against the defendant in the original judgment, and each of the plaintiffs' claims on this part is dismissed.

2. All appeals filed by the plaintiffs are dismissed.

3. The total costs of the lawsuit are assessed against the plaintiffs.

Purport of claim

The defendant shall pay to the plaintiff 1 an amount equivalent to 2,935,873 won, 150,000 won for each of the remaining plaintiffs, and 150,000 won for each of them, and 5 percent per annum from the day following the day when the notice was served to the defendant to the day of full payment (the plaintiff 1 extended the purport of the claim at the trial). The costs of the lawsuit shall be borne by the defendant. The above paragraph (1) may be provisionally executed.

The purport of the plaintiffs' appeal

The part against the plaintiffs in the original judgment shall be revoked. The defendant shall pay to the plaintiff 1 2,623,273 won, gold 50,000 won to the plaintiff 2, and gold 130,000 won to the plaintiff 3,4,5, and6 respectively, and the amount of money with a rate of 5% per annum from the day following the delivery of the complaint to the day of full payment.

All the costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the defendant.

The above paragraph (2) can be provisionally executed.

The defendant's purport of appeal

The same shall apply to the order.


On November 25, 1969 13:00, Plaintiff 1 had been working as a loading and unloading seal from a warehouse owned by the Defendant located in the area of 171 Dong Dong Dong-dong, a non-party 2, who was in the front of the warehouse, suffered an injury, such as the upper part of the vehicle's loading, and the fact that the vehicle's driving number was Nonparty 1 and the accident was caused by Non-party 2 while driving the vehicle, not the driver's license, was caused by the operation of the vehicle.

그런데 원고들은 이 사건 청구원인으로서 위 사고는 위 차량의 운전수인 소외 1이 위 차량을 세워두고 그 장소를 떠나면서 시동열쇠를 운전석에 두고 가는등 제3자가 함부로 운전을 못하도록 조치를 취하지 않았기 때문에 소외 2가 위 차를 운전하다가 일으킨 것으로 이는 피고의 피용인인 소외 1의 그 사무집행에 관한 과실에 기인한 것이니 피고는 그 사용자로서 원고 1의 위 상해로 인한 모든 손해를 배상할 책임이 있는바 원고 1은 위 사고당시 36세의 건강한 남자로서 위 상해로 인하여 노동능력의 60%를 상실하였으므로 그때부터 55세까지 228개월 동안 농촌 일용노동에 종사하여 얻을 수 있을 임금상당의 이익중 얻지 못하게 된 금액중에서 중간이자를 공제한 소극적 손해 합계금 1,938,673원과 입원수술비 및 치료비 금 325,200원, 보조기대금 12,000원, 한약대금 160,000원, 위자료 금 500,000원등 도합 금 2,935,873원과 이에 대한 지연손해금의 지급을 구하는 바이고, 나머지 원고들은 원고 1의 처 또는 자녀들로서 정신상고통에 대한 위자료로 각 금 150,000원씩과 이에 대한 지연손해금의 지급을 구한다는 취지의 주장을 함에 대하여, 피고는 위 사고는 요켠대 운전수 아닌 소외 2의 과실로 빚어진 것이고, 위 차량운전수인 소외 1에게는 아무런 과실이 없다는 취지로 다투므로 살피건대, 성립에 다툼이 없는 갑 제4(의견서), 6( 원고 1 진술조서), 8( 소외 3 진술조서), 9( 소외 4 진술조서), 10( 소외 1 피의자신문조서), 11( 소외 2 피의자신문조서), 13(실황조사서), 14(공소장), 을 제1(약식명령) 각 호증의 각 기재내용과 원심증인 소외 5 및 환송전의 당심증인 소외 4, 2의 각 증언에 변론의 전취지를 모아보면, 위 사고의 경위는 위 차량의 운전수인 소외 1이 그 차량에 피고의 매수 양곡을 싣고와서 위 창고문 앞에 적재함부분을 뒤로하여 원고 1등 인부들이 하역작업을 하도록 차량을 세워두고 스위치를 끈 다음 시동열쇠를 빼어가지고 점심을 먹으러 잠시 자리를 비운 사이에 그 창고의 경비원 겸 인부로 종사하는 앞에 말한 소외 2가 호기심으로 그 차량운전석에 올라가서 가지고 있던 위 차고사무실 서류함 열쇠로 수위치를 조작하여 시동을 걸고, 차량을 전진시켜 보려고 "첸지레바"를 흔들어 보고 "악세레타"와 "셀프모타"를 밟았더니 반대로 갑자기 후진하여 때마침 일을 마치고 그 차량의 뒤 적재함을 닫은 후 돌아서는 원고 1을 부딪혀 상해에 이르게 한 사실을 인정할 수 있고, 이 인정을 달리할 아무런 자료가 없으며, 위 차량은 미국에서 원래 운전석의 출입문이 없이 제작된 지·엠·씨(G·M·C)화물자동차라는 피고 대리인의 주장에 대하여, 원고들 소송대리인은 환송전 당심 제8차 변론기일에 피고소송대리인의 위 주장사실을 다투지 않는다고 진술하고, 제9차 변론기일에 위 차량에 출입문이 없다는 사실을 인정함으로써 이를 자백하였다가 환송후 1975.12.19. 자 준비서면에 의하여 위 차량은 제작시부터 운전석의 문이 없는 것이 아니고 문이 있었는데 위 사고당시 소외 1이 문을 열어둔 잘못이 있다는 취지의 주장을 하므로 이는 위 환송전의 자백을 취소한다는 취지로 받아들여지나, 위 자백이 진실에 반하고 착오에 기인한 것임을 인정할만한 아무런 증거가 없으니 위 사실은 그대로 다툼이 없는 사실로 볼 것인바, 위 인정되는 사실에 의하면 위 김종하는 차량운전수로서 원래 출입문이 없는 위 차량의 정차에 필요한 조처를 다했다고 할 것이이고, 달리 소외 1에게 과실이 있었음을 인정할만한 아무런 증거가 없으므로 소외 1에게 과실있음을 전제로 한 원고들의 위 주장은 그 손해액의 판단에 나아갈 필요없이 이유없다고 할 것이다.

Then, the plaintiffs asserted that the defendant is liable for damages under Article 3 of the Guarantee of Automobile Accident Compensation Act as a person who operates the above vehicle for his own sake even though the above plaintiffs' assertion is without merit. Thus, the liability under Article 3 of the Guarantee of Automobile Accident Compensation Act arises when the person who operates the vehicle for his own sake causes death or injury to another person's life or body due to the operation of the vehicle. The above injury of the plaintiff 1 is already revealed by the fact that the non-party 2, who is not the vehicle cost of the defendant's above vehicle, merely operated the above vehicle of the defendant under a stop due to the self-defense, and it does not constitute the case where the plaintiff 1 inflicts an injury on another person due to the operation of the vehicle for

Finally, if the plaintiffs' assertion is groundless, the non-party 2 who caused the accident by manipulating the above vehicle is the defendant's warehouse guard. The non-party 2 is the defendant's family as well as his family as the defendant's warehouse guards and the defendant's family members living in the warehouse with the keys and locks of the warehouse, and is engaged in an act to direct and supervise the loading and unloading department, and the defendant was injured by the plaintiff 1. Thus, the defendant was liable to compensate for the damages caused by the accident within the business execution place. However, although the non-party 2 was the defendant's warehouse guard and the non-party 2 was the defendant's warehouse guard, it is already recognized as above, as long as the accident occurred due to the vehicle operation by the non-party 2's defense court, it cannot be deemed as a tort committed by the non-party 2 as the non-party 2 as a warehouse guard and the defendant's assertion based on this premise also is groundless.

Therefore, the plaintiffs' claims in this case cannot be deemed to be justifiable and all of them are dismissed. Accordingly, the part against the defendant who partly accepted the plaintiffs' claims in the original judgment is unfair, the defendant's appeal against this part is reasonable, and the defendant's appeal against this part is without merit, and all of the appeals against the plaintiff's losing part in the original judgment is dismissed, and all of the plaintiffs' respective claims and appeals against this part are dismissed, and the total costs of the lawsuit are assessed against the losing party. It is so decided as per Disposition.

Judges Kim Young-young (Presiding Judge) and Lee Tae-tae Kim