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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대전지방법원 서산지원 2013.08.29 2013고단307

Defendant is punished by imprisonment with prison labor for three months in the range of crimes set forth in the range of crimes set forth in the group of crimes set forth in the group of crimes set forth in the group of crimes set forth in the group of crimes set forth in the group of crimes.


Punishment of the crime

[Criminal Power] Defendant:

1. On November 22, 2006, sentenced to six months as declared by the court of Daejeon District Court for an attempted larceny of night buildings in red support; and

2. On February 14, 2008, the execution of the sentence is completed in Daejeon Prison on July 2, 2009 after having been sentenced to one year and six months for the violation of the Act on the Aggravated Punishment, etc. of Specific Crimes at the Suwon District Court's Eunpyeong Housing Site;

3. On March 26, 2010, sentenced six months to imprisonment with prison labor for night intrusion larceny in a public order branch of the Daejeon District Court for the Daejeon District Court on April 3, 2010, the said judgment became final and conclusive on April 3, 2010, and the execution of the sentence is terminated in a public prison on July 8, 2010;

4. On December 22, 2010, a person was sentenced to one year for attempted larceny, etc. in the Daejeon District Court Red Branch, and the said judgment became final and conclusive on December 30, 2010, and completed the execution of the sentence in the official prison on November 4, 201, by an official prison;

5. On March 22, 2013, the Daejeon District Court was sentenced to one year and six months for a violation of the Act on the Aggravated Punishment, etc. of Specific Crimes (thief) in the Seosan Branch of the Daejeon District Court, and the judgment became final and conclusive on March 30, 2013.

"2013 Highest 307"

1. From January 8, 2013 to 01:00 on the following day, the Defendant: (a) opened a window by means of thefting things in the frequency of “D” collection located in Chungcheongnam-gun budget C; and (b) stolen things with imprisonment without prison labor equivalent to KRW 100,000,000 at the victim E-owned market price in the Kabter by intrusioning into the frequency.

2. The Defendant intruded with the main window of the restaurant with the intention of stealinging things in “G” located in F of the Chungcheongnam-nam Budget Group F, and stolen approximately KRW 70,000 in cash owned by the victim H in the Kitter’s safe.

3. The Defendant came to a “K” restaurant operated by the Victim J in Chungcheongnam-nam Budget Group I, and attempted to steals money and valuables by intrusioning them into the restaurant with an intention to steals, but did not discover money and valuables. However, the Defendant attempted to do so on the wind that did not discover money and valuables.

"2013 Highest 322"

1. On January 30, 2013, the Defendant: (a) around 00:45, operated by the Victim M in Chungcheongnam-nam Budget L.
