본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 춘천지방법원 원주지원 2013.11.13 2013고단601


A Imprisonment for one year, each of the defendants B, C, D, and E shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.

except that this judgment.


Punishment of the crime


A after completing business registration with the trade name of “G”, a person who operated a one-way store at H Stop(s) and I Stop(s). Defendant B is at H Stop(s) and Defendant C is at H Stop(s) and Defendant D is at H Stop(s) and Defendant D is at I Rest(s) and Defendant E was at I Rest(s) and at I Rest(s) and selling one-way class, etc., respectively, to an employee of the Han P Stop(s) operated by the above Defendant A.

1. Defendant A and Defendant B conspired with each other to commit the co-principal offenses, and from August 4, 2012 to February 23, 2013, at “K” operated by Defendant A at H St Stops located in the original cityJ from around August 4, 2012 to around February 23, 2013, Defendant A avoided public officials in charge of livestock products, and marked the three-class-class-class-level-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-based-

2. Defendants A and C conspired with each other to commit the joint criminal acts, and from December 22, 2012 to February 23, 2013, at “K” located at H Stops located at L L located at the prime city from February 23, 2013, Defendants A and C instructed customers who avoid the control of public officials in charge of livestock products and find a rest area by using a lot of Saturdays, to 3rd grade 2, and to 1st grade 2, to sell them by packaging after indicating the false rating. Defendant C, accordingly, shall be e-mailed.
