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텍스트 조절
(영문) 의정부지방법원 2018.11.16 2018고단2832

1. The defendant A shall be punished by imprisonment for one year, and the defendant B shall be punished by a fine of six million won.

2.Provided, That this judgment shall not apply.


Punishment of the crime


A is an employer who comprehensively manages, supervises, and supervises matters concerning the recruitment, use, work instruction, and safety of workers as the actual representative of B Co., Ltd. in Gangwon-do, and Defendant B Co., Ltd is a corporation which is established for the purpose of operating the business of manufacturing concrete others, machinery, bricks, and blocks in the document E in Gangwon-do, Gangwon-do, and employs 18 full-time workers.

1. Defendant A

(a) Where a business owner violates the Industrial Safety and Health Act due to a serious accident, or causes death or injury (1) is engaged in the work of using fork trucks which are loading and unloading transportation machinery for loading and unloading vehicles, he/she shall conduct a prior inspection of the geographical features, ground and strata in the relevant work and workplace in order to prevent any danger to workers, and record and keep the results thereof, and shall prepare a work plan in consideration of the findings of the investigation and have it conduct the work in accordance with the plan;

Nevertheless, the Defendant, at around 16:10 on December 18, 2017, ordered a worker F (60 cm) of the victim F (60 cm) who was employed in the above workplace, to use G 15 tons, without preparing a work plan, and did not inform the victim of the safe work method and procedures, so that the victim did not know of the safe work method and procedures and did not use the victim to use the above for-use concrete waterways (206 cm wide, 128 cm high, 124 cm high).

(2) If the driver of the vehicle in possession deserts his driver's position, the owner shall make the driver be placed at the lowest location or on the ground of the vehicle, and balkes without fail, thereby preventing a sudden driving or escape from the vehicle.

Nevertheless, the defendant had the victim drive the above vehicle at the above time and place, and let the victim do the upper and lower work of the pipe with the concrete waterways for agricultural use at the place where the slope is in progress.
