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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대전지방법원 천안지원 2017.06.15 2017고단1023

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for up to six months.

However, the execution of the above sentence shall be suspended for a period of one year from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

At around 04:40 on April 14, 2017, the Defendant extracted the victim D’s D operation “G” located in Northern-gu, west-gu, Seocheon-gu, Seocheon-si, the Defendant: (a) laid a plate in advance; (b) laid down a cover of a bundr of a bundr with a bundr; and (c) laid down a hand into a bundr; and (d) laid up three million won in cash owned by the victim.

In addition, from around that time to May 3, 2017, the victims' property was stolen or attempted to steals on a total of eight occasions, such as the statement in the list of offenses, from around that time to around that time.

Summary of Evidence

1. Statement by the defendant in court;

1. Each statement and self-statement (D, H, I, E, J, K, L, and M);

1. Each investigation report (in relation to tracking the escape route, investigation of CCTV at the scene of the occurrence, confirmation of the course of suspect movement, occurrence of the same suspect's additional crimes, and confirmation of the suspect's additional crimes) and list of reported cases of 112, respectively through the confirmation ofCCTV;

1. Photographss, such as photographs, photographs of damaged objects taken at each scene, photographs of scene and crimes, photographs of the accused, criminal shapes, etc., on-site photographs, etc., and photographs of crimes, and photographs of CCTV closures;

1. Application of seizure records and statutes concerning the list of seizure;

1. Relevant provisions of the Criminal Act and Articles 329 (Larceny) of the Criminal Act, Articles 342 and 329 (Attempted Larceny) of the Criminal Act, and the choice of imprisonment for a crime;

1. The former part of Article 37 of the Criminal Act, and Articles 38 (1) 2 and 50 of the same Act, which aggravated concurrent crimes;

1. Article 62 (1) of the Criminal Act on the stay of execution (The consideration of favorable circumstances among the reasons for sentencing);

1. Article 48 (1) 1 of the Criminal Act to be confiscated;

1. Article 32(1)3 and Article 25(3)3 of the Act on Special Cases concerning the Promotion, etc. of Lawsuits, etc. of Dismissal of Application for Compensation [the applicants shall seek an order for compensation of KRW 5,500,000,000 or KRW 1,100,000,000, in total, of the theft amount stated in the facts of crime and the purchase cost of machinery extracted due to a malfunction of a large amount of paper-end exchange;

First of all, the amount of theft damage of the applicant for compensation recognized as the crime of this case is all.
