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텍스트 조절
(영문) 창원지방법원 통영지원 2015.03.26 2013고단1060

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.


Punishment of the crime

1. On September 2010, the criminal defendant against the victim B stated, “The defendant would lend KRW 20 million to the victim B at the defendant’s house located in Gyeong-nam, Gyeong-nam, Gyeong-nam, to the police officer, and use it only for several months. The victim B will give KRW 600,000 as a monthly interest, and will do so in the future of width deposit KRW 30,000 as a security.”

However, while the Defendant did not have any specific property, the Defendant did not have an intention to pay the principal or interest as promised, even if he borrowed the money from the victim, such as, at least 2.5 million won, an average of 2.5 million won as the principal store business operated by the Defendant was infinite, but the interest paid every month is at least 2.1 million won, etc.

On September 20, 2010, the Defendant, by deceiving the victim as above, received money from the victim to D’s account used by the Defendant at the central branch of the bank in the Dong-dong, Dong-nam, Dong-dong, Dong-dong, Kim Young-si on September 20, 201 and acquired money from the victim.

2. On December 2010, the criminal defendant against the victim E stated that "if he/she lends his/her installment savings to his/her mother, he/she will give 300,000 won interest every month, and he/she will pay the time limit money without a molding one year after the lapse of one year."

However, while the Defendant did not have any specific property, the Defendant did not have an intention to pay the principal or interest as promised, even if he borrowed the money from the victim, such as, at least 2,500,000 won, an average of KRW 2,50,000,000,000,000 or more paid each month, as the principal or interest was paid by the Defendant.

The Defendant, by deceiving the victim as above and deceiving it from the victim on December 13, 2010, transferred KRW 10 million to G’s account used by the Defendant on December 13, 2010, and KRW 13 million to H’s account used by the Defendant on 10:54 on 10:54 on the same day.
