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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울고등법원 2020.08.26 2019나2056433

1. Of the judgments of the first instance court, the part against the defendant in the judgment shall be modified as follows:

The defendant shall pay to the plaintiff KRW 395,861,640.


The reasons for this Court’s acceptance of the judgment of the court of first instance are as follows, given that the reasoning for this case is identical to the reasons for the judgment of the court of first instance except for the addition or dismissal of some parts as follows. Thus, it is acceptable in accordance with the main sentence of Article

(다만 당심에서 소취하된 제1심 주위적 공동피고 대한민국에 대한 부분은 제외). ▣ 제1심 판결문 제4면 [표] 내부 제11행과 제12행 사이에 다음과 같은 기재를 추가한다.

A person shall be appointed.

(g)in the case of adjusting a contract amount under the provisions of “A” or “F”, the ordering person must adjust the contract amount within 30 days of receipt of the other party’s request for the adjustment of the contract amount;

In such cases, where it is inevitable, such as delay in allocating a budget, the period of adjustment may be extended after consultation with the other party to the contract, and when there is no budget to adjust the contract amount, the consideration may be paid after adjusting the volume, etc.

』 ▣ 제1심 판결문 제5면 [표] 내부 제7행 아래에 다음과 같은 기재를 추가한다. 『제9절 검사 및 대가의 지급

6. Payment of the completion cost;

(a) If the other party to the contract has passed an inspection under the provisions of “1” after the completion of the construction, it may request payment in accordance with the prescribed procedures;

(b) When a contracting officer has received a request for “A”, he shall pay the consideration within seven days (except on holidays and Saturdays) from the date of receipt of the request, and shall promptly pay the consideration to the maximum extent possible unless there are inevitable reasons, such as financial standing, in spite of the time limit for such payment;

Provided, That a special contract which may extend the period of payment of consideration within the extent not exceeding seven days by an agreement with the parties to the contract may be concluded.

』 ▣ 제1심 판결문 제19면 제7행부터 같은 면 [표] 아래 제1행까지를 다음과 같이 고쳐 쓴다. 『 나 이 사건에 관하여 보건대, 갑 제2호증의 4, 갑...
