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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대법원 2016.04.28 2015다7411

The judgment below

Among them, the part against the plaintiffs regarding the claim for advance payment is reversed, and this part of this case is applied.


The grounds of appeal are examined (to the extent of supplement in case of supplemental appellate briefs not timely filed).

1. As to the ground of appeal on the claim for advance payment deposit

A. As to the ground of appeal No. 1, the lower court comprehensively based on the evidence adopted, the lower court determined that the Plaintiffs jointly perform the joint supply and demand method (hereinafter “Plaintiff Uil Engineering Co., Ltd.”).

38% of the equity shares of Plaintiff Ilsung Construction Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “Plaintiff Ilsung”)

37% of the equity shares of Plaintiff Jin-jin Construction Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “Plaintiff Jin-jin”)

A) The Plaintiff’s shares constitute 25% of the total construction cost of reinforced concrete construction works among the new construction works awarded a joint contract by the Republic of Korea, as the date of completion, shall be determined on October 9, 2013. The first construction work (hereinafter “the first construction work in this case”) was KRW 2,075,260,000, and the construction period from December 20, 201 to June 22, 201 (hereinafter “A”) concluded a contract for construction work (hereinafter “the construction contract in this case”) with the Defendants for 201,57,930,000, and the first construction work (hereinafter “the first construction work in this case”) to be executed on 201,000,000 won to the Plaintiff Company A (hereinafter “A”), and the Defendants paid 301,01,0000,0000 won to the Defendants each of the above contracts for guarantee and the first construction work in advance to 301,014,016.
