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텍스트 조절
(영문) 춘천지방법원 강릉지원 2017.08.31 2017고단543


A The imprisonment without prison labor for six months and the defendant B shall be punished by a fine of one million won for 4 months, the defendant C, and the defendant D.


Punishment of the crime

1. Defendant A and Defendant B are those who work in Company D and are engaged in the work of operating a tent cream at the storage site of G production materials in the same year F at the same time, and Defendant B is those who are engaged in the work of managing and supervising the construction work and safety of the above workers at the site of the construction site of Company D.


A around November 4, 2016, around 10:50, around the above work site, around 10:50, performed the work of operating a tent cream to classify and put them into a cream, and the victim H (44 tax) was engaged in the work of loading and unloading cream at the cream for secondary raw materials.

In such cases, the director at the construction site to control and supervise the safety at the construction site has a duty of care to take necessary measures to prevent any person entering the construction site from entering the entrance of loading and unloading, and he/she has a duty of care to take necessary measures to prevent such person from entering the construction site from entering the entrance of loading and unloading, and a person engaged in the work of operating a tent from entering the construction site after checking whether he/she is a person at the entrance of the loading and unloading site of raw materials.

Nevertheless, Defendant B, on the side of the entrance of the loading and unloading of the subsidiary material, shall use the insertion or broom dust kept at the entrance of the subsidiary material in the course of loading and unloading the subsidiary material, and shall enforce liability if not.

Defendant, by negligence, who did not take all necessary measures for prohibiting entry, such as providing the workers with education to enter the entrance and exit side of the loading and unloading, despite the risk of working at the entrance of the loading and unloading, when the secondary materials fall into the bottom of the floor, or posting a supervisor or supervisor to restrain work.
