Defendants shall be punished by a fine of KRW 5,000,000.
In the event that the Defendants did not pay the above fine, the Defendants did not pay the fine.
Criminal facts
1. On July 23, 2015, the Defendants conspired with the Defendants to enter into a mutual influent car page in Ansan-si, Ansan-si, 2015, and the victim D attempted to engage in the same business by taking over the existing operation and the same kind of debt with the victim D with the intent to deposit the down payment, and all other people agreed to make an investment with the purport of “the amount of KRW 20 million”.
However, the Defendants did not have any intention or ability to engage in the business even if they receive the down payment from the injured party, as they did not specify the business in a certain state and did not have any money to make investments.
Nevertheless, the Defendants deceiving the victim as above and acquired the total sum of KRW 20,50,000 from the victim as contract deposit.
2. Any person who intends to run a loan business or loan brokerage business in violation of the Act on the Registration of Loan Business, etc. and the Protection of Financial Users shall register with the head of the administrative agency having jurisdiction over the relevant place of business;
On July 2015, the Defendants: (a) accessed the fact that the Defendants suffered difficulties in providing funds to conduct business by the said D (victims of the crime in the preceding paragraph) in Ansan-si, Ansan-si; and (b) accessed the said D to the effect that it would be difficult for the Defendants to provide a loan brokerage; and (c) received a request for loan brokerage from the said D; and (d) received all the loan-related documents, such as a certificate of personal seal impression in their respective names, a copy of resident registration certificate, etc.
On July 23, 2015, Defendants conspired to cause the said D to obtain a loan of KRW 10 million in his/her name, as indicated in the list of crimes in the attached Form, and had seven lending companies receive a total of KRW 57,700,000 from around that time to October 14, 2015 a loan of KRW 13,50,000,000 from seven lending companies, and received a loan of KRW 13.5 million in the name of brokerage commission.
b)a summary of the evidence;