본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 광주지방법원 순천지원 2018.06.14 2017고합315

The defendant is innocent. The summary of this judgment shall be notified publicly.


1. The summary of the facts charged is as follows: (a) the Defendant is running a restaurant with the trade name “E” in Shysia D; and (b) the victim F (the 18 years of age) from March 11, 2017.

8. From May 27, 2017, the victim G (name, leisure, age 16) up to April 27, 201

8. A person who had worked as an employee in the restaurant until October.

가. 피고인은 2017. 4. 초 순경 위 음식점 카운터와 주방에서 일을 하고 있던 피해자 F의 옆을 지나가면서 손등으로 피해자의 엉덩이 부위를 툭 치듯이 만져 청소년인 피해자를 강제로 추행하였다.

B. Around 21:00 on June 18, 2017, when the victim F is working in the above restaurant, the Defendant committed an indecent act by force against the victim, who is a juvenile, by maring her her her butt with his/her her her son and her butt with his/her her son and her her butt with his/her her hand.


The Defendant, around June 24, 2017, committed an indecent act by force against the victim F, who was able to sit in the above restaurant, and was able to be able to wear clothes, and the Defendant’s sexual flag part was able to be able to be seen as near to the face of the victim up to about 30 cm.


On July 2017, the Defendant, after passing through the victim G, who works in the front room of the above restaurant on the day of July 2017, committed an indecent act by force against the victim, who is a juvenile, by using his hand and her left am.

E. On July 2017, the Defendant: (a) committed an indecent act by force against a juvenile victim by putting his / her son away from the victim G, who was packing hambs in the package side of the above restaurant Kackter; and (b) by using her son’s son as his son, etc.

2. The Defendant and his defense counsel’s assertion did not commit an indecent act by force against the victims as stated in the facts charged.

3. Determination

A. The prosecutor bears the burden of proving the facts charged in a criminal trial of the relevant legal doctrine, and the conviction is true to the extent that there is no reasonable doubt by the judge.
