본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원 김천지원 2018.01.16 2017고합95

The punishment of the accused shall be five years of imprisonment.

To the defendant, a sexual assault treatment program for 120 hours is provided.


B. By February 2, 200, the Defendant’s mother located in F at the time of residence with the victim on the date of the space, and the Defendant’s mother located in F at the time of residence, left the victim on the cargo vehicle, and laid off the cargo vehicle in the vicinity of the above residence, and collected the cargo vehicle inside the cargo vehicle within the victim’s entry, and made the victim commit an indecent act by placing the victim’s sexual flag in the victim’s entrance, as soon as possible.

B. The Defendant continued to commit an indecent act on the part of the Defendant’s mother as described in the above A. The Defendant collected his own house in the victim’s entrance at the victim’s entrance, and made the victim have his sexual organ only by hand.

Accordingly, the defendant committed a similar act by force against the victim under the age of 13 and committed an indecent act by force.

2. Violation of the Act on Special Cases concerning the Punishment, etc. of Sexual Crimes (Indecent Acts, such as deceptive schemes against minors under the age of 13);

A. The Defendant, from January 201 to February 2017, at Kimcheon-si G,** the same****** the Defendant’s residence (at the time’s residence; hereinafter “the Defendant’s residence”) in his/her bath together with the victim, and takes a bath to the victim, and the victim promptly embling the Defendant’s sexual organ.

The Gsmanium forced the victim to “as soon as possible,” and forced the victim to put the Defendant’s sexual flag in the entrance of the victim.

B. The Defendant, from January 201 to February 2017, 2017, put the Defendant’s hand into the victim’s panty in the inner room of the Defendant’s residence and met with the victim’s panty, and the Defendant refused to do so and was free.

The defect is "fasibly off".

“To put the fingers into the victim’s quality,” and inserting them into the victim’s quality.


The Defendant, from January 201 to February 2017, 2017, deviates from the victim’s will and panty at the inside of the Defendant’s residence at the end of his or her residence, and promptly fluencing the victim’s sound, and the victim refuses to do so.

“The victim shall be the victim even if the victim refuses.”
