2015Kahap5096 Provisional Disposition
Medical Corporation A Foundation
Representative Director***
Attorney Jeong-hun, Counsel for the defendant-appellant
The debtor
C. C. 2
3 丁
4 戊
5 戊
6 Equity shares
7 庚
Debtor 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 7 (Law Firm Sin Law Firm, Attorney Min Il-young, Counsel for defendant-appellant)
Attorney Kim Jae-hoon
Imposition of Judgment
June 19, 2015
1 . 채무자 乙 , 丙 , 丁 , 戊 , 己 , 庚은 채권자의 의사에 반하여 별지1 목록 기재 행위를 하여서 는 아니 된다 .
2. The enforcement officer shall publicly notify the purport of the order under paragraph (1) in an appropriate manner.
3 . 채무자 乙 , 丙 , 丁 , 戊 , 己 , 庚이 제1항의 명령을 위반할 경우 , 그 위반행위를 한 채무자들 은 공동하여 위반행위 1일당 각 50만 원씩을 채권자에게 지급하라 .
4 . 채권자의 채무자 戊에 대한 신청 및 채무자 戊를 제외한 나머지 채무자들에 대한 나머지 신청을 모두 기각한다 .
5 . 소송비용 중 채권자와 채무자 戊 사이에 생긴 부분은 채권자가 , 채무자 乙 , 丙 , 丁 , 戊 , 己 , 庚 사이에 생긴 부분은 각자 부담한다 .
Purport of application
1. The debtor shall commit any act interfering with the creditor’s business, including the act described in the [Attachment 2] list.
shall not take any action.
2. The enforcement officer shall give public notice of the purport of the above order in a proper manner.
3. Any debtor who violates an order issued pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) shall be KRW 1,00,000 per time when he/she commits an offense by each debtor.
the creditor shall pay each such sum to the creditor.
1. Facts of vindication;
In full view of the purport of the records and the whole examination, the following facts are proved.
A. The creditor has established and operated a funeral hall (hereinafter "the funeral hall of this case") in the hospital of this case, with convenience related to funeral services, such as a deceased person in the hospital of this case, on March 25, 2015, who died in the hospital of this case. The creditor has been operating the funeral hall of this case (hereinafter "the funeral hall of this case") in the hospital of this case.
B. The debtor is a person who operates a Moel located near the funeral hall of this case.
다 . 채무자들은 채권자가 이 사건 장례식장을 운영하려 한다는 사실을 알고는 이를 저지 하기 위하여 , ① 2015 . 3 . 24 . 부터 2015 . 5 . 29 . 까지 수회에 걸쳐 제1병원 , 이 사건 요양병원 및 유성구청 근처에서 ' 살면 좋다 재활병원 죽으면 더 좋다 장례식장 ' 등의 내용이 담긴 피켓 을 들고 상복을 입은 채 확성기로 구호를 외치는 등의 방법으로 시위행위를 하였고 , ② 201 5 . 4 . 1 . 채권자의 동의 없이 이 사건 요양병원에 들어가 이 사건 장례식장 내부시설을 촬영 하였다 . 그리고 채무자 戊는 2015 . 5 . 18 . 채권자의 동의 없이 이 사건 요양병원 본관 지하 1층에 들어간 후 , 장례식 발인절차 중인 리무진 앞으로 가서 위 리무진을 촬영하였다 .
D. D. The debtor's act stated in paragraph (c) that the part of the patient and the guardian of the patient in the instant convalescent hospital among the patients and the guardians of the patient in the instant convalescent hospital at a low time did not give treatment to the nurse, etc. belonging to the instant convalescent hospital, and that it would be likely that the patient's protection and the patient's care would be likely to interfere with physical exercise and delivery in the outdoor, because he/she was unable to give treatment because he/she was out of the hospital due to his/her depression, and that he/she was unable to give treatment in an unstable manner.
2 . 채무자 戊에 대한 신청에 관한 판단
위 소명사실에 의하면 , 채무자 戊는 위와 같은 행위를 함으로써 안정이 필요한 이 사건 요양병원의 환자들의 치료 등을 방해하여 결과적으로 채권자의 업무를 방해하였다고 할 것 이지만 , 채권자의 주장에 의하더라도 채무자 戊는 앞으로 이 사건 장례식장에 대하여 시위 나 민원제기를 더 이상 하지 않겠다고 선언한 상태인바 , 채권자의 채무자 戊에 대한 신청은
Since there is a lack of vindication on the necessity of the preservation, there is no reason.
3 . 채무자 戊를 제외한 나머지 채무자들에 대한 신청에 관한 판단
A. Determination on the grounds of claim
앞에서 본 것처럼 채무자 戊를 제외한 나머지 채무자들 ( 이하 ' 이 사건 채무자들 ' 이라고 한다 ) 역시 시위 등의 행위를 함으로써 안정이 필요한 이 사건 요양병원의 환자들의 치료 등을 방해하여 결과적으로 채권자의 업무를 방해하였다고 할 것이므로 , 채권자에게 이 사건 채무자들을 상대로 별지1 목록 기재 행위의 금지를 구할 피보전권리가 있다는 점이 소명되 었다고 봄이 상당하고 , 이 사건 분쟁의 경위나 태양 등을 고려할 때 이 사건 채무자들은 앞 으로도 위와 같은 업무방해행위를 할 가능성이 존재하므로 , 그 보전의 필요성 역시 소명되 었다고 봄이 상당하다 .
In addition, notwithstanding the decision of provisional disposition of this case on record, the debtor of this case is highly likely to engage in the act of violation. Thus, the creditor of this case also intends to issue an indirect compulsory execution order to secure the effectiveness of the decision of provisional disposition. However, although the creditor is seeking an indirect compulsory execution amount of one million won per violation, it is necessary to order the creditor to pay 50,000 won per day (50,000 won per day even if the violation is committed more than once in consideration of the convenience of execution, etc.) to the extent necessary to ensure the effectiveness of the decision of provisional disposition.
Furthermore, the obligee sought further prohibition of the act indicated in the separate sheet No. 2 against the instant obligor. However, in full view of all the circumstances revealed in the record, including ① the instant obligor’s expression of opposing the operation of the funeral hall in the vicinity of the first hospital, and ② the obligor’s expression of opposing the operation of the funeral hall in the instant case is deemed not to have engaged in the act of entering the first hospital, and ③ the act of entering the first hospital in the separate sheet No. 2 list No. 3 in the separate sheet No. 2 list No. 3, etc., the obligee’s intent to prevent interference with the obligee’s business by ordering the prohibition of the act listed in the separate sheet No. 1’s act is anticipated to be sufficiently achieved, and ② taking into account the freedom of assembly and expression under the Constitution, it is difficult to see that the instant obligor’s expression of opposing the operation of the funeral hall of this case is prohibited, and thus, the obligee’s application for this part of this case’s application is insufficient.
B. Determination on the assertion of the debtor of this case
As to this, the debtor of this case, "the location where the funeral hall of this case is located is a flexible special tourist zone, and the merchant who works in the above special tourist zone concerns about the reduction of import due to the funeral hall of this case, and whether the funeral hall of this case is continuously operated belongs to the public interest review of the above merchant. The freedom of assembly and association under the Constitution should be guaranteed to the maximum extent. In fact, the debtor of this case was subject to prior procedures for the report of outdoor assembly regarding the demonstration at the location where the hospital of this case was located in the hospital of this case, and even if the patient of this case suffered some inconvenience, the noise at the time of the demonstration is within the limit of admission permitted by the law, so such inconvenience is within the limit of admission permitted by the police officer, and therefore, the application of this case is without merit.
Therefore, the freedom of public health room, assembly resolution company, and expression should be guaranteed to the maximum extent as fundamental rights guaranteed by the Constitution. However, the freedom under the above Constitution should not be infringed upon any other person’s honor, reputation, or rights. Although there are parts that may be considered in the foregoing act, the above act of the debtor of this case may not be considered in light of the purport of the entire record and examination, considering all circumstances such as the purpose of entry into and demonstration in the hospital of this case, its developments, details, and frequency of the demonstration in light of the purport of the entire record and examination, it is reasonable to view that the above act of the debtor of this case is an act to promote psychological stability of the patients of the hospital of this case against the creditor’s will and to interfere with the business of the creditor of this case who provided rehabilitation treatment beyond the scope of legitimate exercise of fundamental rights, and thus, it is unreasonable to view that the above act of the debtor of this case lacks social reasonableness in terms of its content, method, and form.
4. Conclusion
그렇다면 채권자의 이 사건 채무자들에 대한 신청은 위 인정범위 내에서 이유 있어 이를 인용하고 그 나머지 신청 및 채무자 戊에 대한 신청은 이유 없으므로 이를 기각하기로 하여 주문과 같이 결정한다 .
Judge Lee Jong-soo, Counsel for the defendant
Judges Park Jong-dae
Judges Han-hee
Site of separate sheet
Attached Table 1
1. Intrusion into a hospital building* in Daejeon Esong-gu* in *
2. The above* The following contents within the extent of 100 meters from hospital buildings and their reflectors, loudspeakers, and other artificial sound flouds:
by means of a device to broadcast, create as a relief of a high level, enter in and distribute printed articles, or put in and distribute diskettess;
An act of putting up on a beam banner
A. The term “the fraud change”, “the person without law”, “the person with no law”, “the person with no law to see consumers”, “the person with good rehabilitation hospital”, and “the person who died of a rehabilitation hospital,” is better than the person who died of a rehabilitation hospital.
The term "gresh", the term "gretainment value of surrounding land ** *", even if the processed water value of the surrounding land *
(b) The operation of the funeral hall established in the relative family hospital in accordance with the foregoing paragraph (a) above *, opposing the operation, etc. of the funeral hall *
Hospital or** The details of criticism *
Attached Table 2
1. against the creditor's will, Daejeon Pung-gu* Infringed into a hospital building* within 200 meters from the radius of the above building
An act of farming;
2. Access to the Daejeon Pream-gu* Access to the building of the first hospital or farming within the radius of 500 meters from the half of the building.
3. To dispose of the column, paint, garbage, or waste on the hospital building referred to in paragraphs (1) and (2) above, or to dispose of the paint, presses, etc.
Lilering or carrying out relief;
4. The following contents or expressions from the hospital, building or its surroundings mentioned in paragraphs (1) and (2) above:
Broadcasting using any other artificial sound explosion devices, creation of high level relief devices, or entry in printed materials;
Act of distributing or posting in a kicket, poster, or banner;
A. The term "the alteration of fraud", "the person without law", "the malicious hospital with consumers see", and "the head of a Si/Gun/Gu", and "the head of a Si/Gun/Gu who died of a Si/Gun/Gu rehabilitation hospital."
Food funeral "," "gretainment of surrounding land value***", etc., even if the processed value of the surrounding land is preserved.
(c) any other content that criticizes the creditor hospital or its representative;