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텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 안양지원 2016.12.22 2016고단688

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of one year and two months.


Punishment of the crime

On March 2015, the Defendant met or became aware of the Victim F (the 37 years of age) who was a male guest while working as a male entertainment entertainment worker at the “Eju” located in Mapo-si, Mapo-si, Mapo-si, and, from that time, until July 2015, the Defendant maintained the Victim’s Mapo-ri and maintained the Victim’s Mapo-si, and the Defendant’s Mapo-si was resolved only upon the occurrence of the dispute with the Victim, as if he were able to live together with the Victim and were responsible for the Victim and the Victim’s Mapo-si.

However, the defendant was an unmarried male under 24 years of age, who was her husband and elementary school student, and did not have the intention or ability to live together with the victim under 37 years of age, or to take responsibility for the victims and the children of the victim. However, even if he received money from the victim as a loan for debt repayment, most of them were considered to be used for purposes other than the purchase of vehicles, etc.

Around July 13, 2015, the Defendant stated the written indictment submitted by the Prosecutor as “ around July 8, 2015.” However, according to the records, it appears to be a clerical error in the statement of “ around July 13, 2015.” As such, this part is corrected and recognized ex officio to the extent that it does not cause any disadvantage to the Defendant’s exercise of the Defendant’s right to defense.

A written indictment submitted by a prosecutor around July 28, 2015 includes the following: (a) the amount of KRW 68 million and the amount of indictment submitted by the prosecutor around July 28, 2015: Provided, however, according to the records, it appears that it is a clerical error in the statement of “ around July 28, 2015,” and thus, this part is corrected and recognized ex officio to the extent that it does not disadvantage the Defendant’s exercise of his/her right

The delivery was received respectively in the amount of KRW 24 million.

Accordingly, the defendant was given property by deceiving the victim.

Summary of Evidence

1. Each legal statement of witness G and F;

1. Partial statement of the suspect interrogation protocol of the accused by the prosecution;

1. Details of loans payment;

1. A specification of transactions;

1. Application of Acts and subordinate statutes of a motor vehicle transfer certificate;

1. Criminal facts;
