1. The plaintiff's claim is dismissed.
2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.
1. Facts of recognition;
A. On April 5, 2012, A entered into two insurance contracts with the Defendant as indicated below (hereinafter “Class 1 insurance contracts,” “Class 2 insurance contracts,” and the “instant insurance contracts,” respectively, and the “instant insurance contracts,” respectively.
[mark] One insurance premium insured's purchase amount of non-payment-free-paid-paid-paid-paid-paid-paid-paid-paid-paid-paid-paid-paid-paid-paid-paid-paid-paid-paid-paid-paid-paid-paid-paid-paid-paid-paid-paid-paid-paid-paid-paid-paid-paid-paid-paid--paid-paid-paid-paid-paid-paid-paid-paid-paid-paid-paid-paid-paid-paid-paid--paid-paid--paid-paid-paid--paid--paid-paid-Related-paid-Related-paid-Related-Related-Related-Related-Related-Related-Related-Related-Contract-Related-Case No. 20,000,000 won No. 20,000 won No. 30,000,000 won under the special contract for non-payment-Related-Related-Contract-Related-Related-Related-Related-Related-Related-Related-Related-Contract-Related-Related-Related-
B. According to the subscription incorporated into the content of the instant insurance contract, “the beneficiary (person receiving the insurance proceeds) is indicated as “the policyholder at the maturity of the insurance, the insured (person subject to insurance), and the statutory heir of the relevant insured (person subject to insurance) at the time of death, unless otherwise specified.”
C. A around April 6, 2012, around 08:21, 201, a traffic accident was caused by a vehicle that was driven by a vehicle located in the Si/Ma-gu, Sungnam-si, with a house located in the Si/Ma-gu, Sungnam-si, with a view to a side road, and died on April 12, 2012.
On September 12, 1979, the deceased was discovered as a baby and established a new family on September 12, 1979. At the time of his/her death, the existence of the unmarried heir could not be known at all at the time of his/her death. D, an interested party, filed a claim for the appointment of an administrator of inherited property with the Suwon District Court Branch Branch Order 2012 Gadan945, and on April 12, 2013, the plaintiff was appointed as an administrator of inherited property of the deceased deceased family.
E. Since then, the Plaintiff filed a claim for public announcement of the heir’s search with the above court, and publicly announced the heir’s search on August 1, 2014, but did not appear to have the heir to have the period of public announcement expired on August 1, 2015.