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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울동부지방법원 2016.06.02 2015가단35295

1. All of the plaintiffs' claims are dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit are assessed against the plaintiffs.


1. The defendant, who operates the 9th floor E of the Gangdong-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government D Building D Building, neglected to manage the affairs to prevent crimes within the saves, and thereby lost Handphones in the above saves room in which the plaintiffs were in their respective custody. Thus, the defendant, who operates the public entertainment room, is obliged to pay the plaintiffs a total of 2 million won and 1 million won of mental damages, each of which is equivalent to the value of each Handphones.

2. According to Article 152(2) of the Commercial Act, even if a public entertainment businessman does not receive a deposit from his/her customers, he/she is liable to compensate for any loss or damage caused by his/her personal belongings or his/her employee's negligence.

In addition, according to Article 153 of the Commercial Act, with respect to money, valuable instruments and other valuables, a public entertainment businessman shall not be liable for damages from the loss or damage if the customer does not expressly state the description and value of the article.

Based on the above legal principles, the fact that the plaintiffs did not deposit their respective handphones to the defendant, which they lost, does not conflict between the parties, and the handphones lost by the plaintiffs, are considered as valuable goods according to the plaintiffs' assertion. However, unless the plaintiffs do not deposit to the defendant with the defendant clearly stating the type and value of the plaintiffs, they cannot be held liable to compensate the defendant for the loss.

Furthermore, even if it is difficult to see lost Handphones as high-priced, it is insufficient to recognize that there is any negligence on the part of the defendant as to the loss of the above goods by the entries of Gap 1-4, and there is no other evidence to acknowledge the fact that the defendant violated the duty of care as a public entertainment businessman. Thus, the plaintiffs' assertion is without merit.

3. Dismissal of the plaintiffs' claims
