본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 광주지방법원 2018.05.30 2018고단396

1. Defendant A’s imprisonment with prison labor for one year and four months, and Defendant B’s imprisonment for eight months, Defendant C, D, E, and F respectively for a fine of five thousand won.


Punishment of the crime

"2018 Highest 396"

1. Defendants A, B, C, and D jointly committed a game in the “M” game room located in the South Korean War on December 2, 2017, around 18:47, around December 2, 2017.


A and Defendant B, as a counterpart to the victim N(26 tax) and the victimO (27 tax) and the victim, were engaged in the game called “refluence” and the Defendant A expressed the victim’s desire.

As a matter of trial, while the victims were in conflict with the defendant A, the victim'sO sprinked the defendant A's shoulder, and the defendant B, the victim's head, the defendant C, and the defendant D, immediately adjacent to the defendant B, sprinked the victim's spons with the victim's breath, and the defendant C and the defendant D attempted to spons the victim's n b and spons with the victim's spons with the victim's spons with the victim's head and spons with the victim's head at one time as a drinking house, and the victim's face was knick up with the victim's face, and the victim's face was knick up with the victim's knb, and the victim's face was knb up with the victim's knb, and the victim's face was knb up with the victim's knb and the victim's face.

During the period between J and K in combination with the n of the victim N and the hinging of the hing of the n and the hing of the n of the victim N, the defendant A has taken the head of the victim N with his face on a drinking and hand hand. The defendant A continues to take two times again to the victimO in two times in a two-way face, the defendant B has pushed the victim's flap, and the defendant B has pushed the flap of the victimO against the victim's head. In other words, the defendant A faces the victim's face as his head.
