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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원 2020.12.17 2020고단5774

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for two years.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for three years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

1. The fraudulent financial fraud organization is an organization that commits a crime by misrepresenting the victims to a large number of unspecified victims by telephone or other means in an area where it is difficult to track the victims in a foreign country or a domestic investigative agency, and by deceiving them by deceiving them, and by receiving money from the victims, etc., it is an organization that commits a crime by fraud. The organization engaged in the crime of false-name financial fraud, such as “total liability,” “management measures,” “management measures,” “management measures,” and “management measures,” and “cash collection measures,” under the direction of a high-level staff member to manage the entire crime, and educate and instruct the victims of the cash collection methods, etc., by deceiving the victims by carrying out calls from an unspecified number of victims, etc., the organization is operated in the form of a high-level organization in preparation for arresting victims, and the Defendant, upon receiving a proposal from the telephone financial fraud staff member under the name of the victim, shall perform the duty of collecting and delivering cash from the victims.

On October 27, 2020, a member of the telephone financial fraud assistance in the name of the victim was made by call to the victim B at an unclaimed place, and was made a low interest rate loan by misrepresenting the victim B, and was made an application for the loan, and thereafter, he continuously assumes the employees of the E bank, and the violation of the contract is the violation of the contract if the request for other loans is made within one year under our contract that he/she received the application for the loan of the government support fund. It is possible to proceed with the loan of the C bank with the full repayment of the existing loan amount of KRW 5 million. It is possible to directly pay the employee sent by us.”

However, in fact, those who did not know-how did not belong to the savings bank, and expressed their intent to lend low interest loans to B.
