본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 전주지방법원 2019.10.10 2019고단671

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one year and six months.

23,920,00 won shall be additionally collected from the defendant.

The additional collection charge shall be equivalent to the above additional collection charge.


Punishment of the crime

The defendant of "2019 Highest 671" is not a narcotics handler.

1. The Defendant: (a) had the intent to purchase psychotropic drugs from B psychotropic drugs Mepopon; (b) had the Defendant sent Mepopon to B via a telephone at a place in the Mepopon; (c) on July 29, 2018, at around 05:40, sent KRW 200,000 to C bank account in the name of C (E) designated by B; and (d) had received approximately 3 g of the Mepopon sent by B from G located in F to a high-speed bus line; and (c) purchased approximately 2,2720,000,000 from around the following day to March 16, 2019 by paying KRW 13 times in total by means as described in the attached List of Crimes (1).

2. On August 18, 2018, the Defendant: (a) inserted approximately 0.1g of philophones purchased from B in a injection machine, dilution with water, and injected them into arms at the Defendant’s residence located in Htel I at a low-spoping time; (b) around that time, from around March 16, 2019 to around March 16, 2019, the Defendant administered philophones in a total of 10 times in the same manner as indicated in the attached list of crimes (2).

The defendant of "2019 Highest 1121" is not a narcotics handler.

1. Medication of phiphones;

A. On January 2019, the Defendant: (a) injected approximately 0.1g of philophones into a philogram in a sadic body located in Daejeon Pulco-gu, Daejeon; and (b) injected them with water in a dilution; and (c) administered them in a way of injecting them into the steropos.

B. At around 21:00 on March 12, 2019, the Defendant injected approximately 0.75g of philophonephones received from B in the Defendant’s residence, as set forth in paragraph (2) below, into a injection machine, and dilution them with water, and administered them in a way of injecting them into the blood transfusion.

2. The Defendant received and accepted oponon from B at the time and place described in paragraph (1)(b) at approximately 0.75 g of opon from B.

Summary of Evidence

"2019 Highest 671"

1. The defendant;
