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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울북부지방법원 2018.09.14 2018고단2068

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for a period of two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

The telephone financial fraud criminal organization consists of a general responsibility, such as misrepresentation of financial institutions, investigative agencies, etc. to victims, fraud frauds, remittances of money by frauds, remittances of money from victims to investigation officers such as the total responsibility, communications of money by frauds to transfer money to remittances, and communications by means of solicitation of passbooks to be used for telephone financial frauds, and communications by using smartphone B or C, etc. which can avoid tracking by investigation agencies.

As above, the members of the telephone finance fraud group are responsible for the organic liaison between the internal point organizations by sharing their roles in accordance with the direction of the general responsibility, and deceiving many unspecified people in Korea using the Internet phone, etc. other than those in which location tracking is difficult, by misrepresenting them to the employees of financial institutions, loan companies, etc., and sending or sending physical cards, etc. to employees of financial institutions or loan companies under the pretext of improving credit rating and lending loans, etc., by directly giving and receiving instructions by directly using smartphones, and directly sending them to the account holder and receiving physical cards from the account holder or Kwikset Service, etc., and requesting them to pay damages to the account in question, and if the money was deposited into the relevant account, then withdrawing damages by withdrawing the money using the physical card and then depositing them into the account instructed by the scam scam scam, or delivering them to other scams.

As above, a person who has no name is responsible for deceiving a large number of unspecified persons by calls and remitting the amount of damage, and the defendant is responsible for withdrawing the amount of damage deposited in the account under the name of a third party and delivering it to the person who has no name, and in return, 150,000 won in cash.
