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텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 안양지원 2020.02.14 2019고단2446

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.


Punishment of the crime

1. On November 17, 2019, in the name of the background facts (one name B), the victim was approaching the victim C by introducing the mobile phone franchising system to be “D” with the mobile phone franchising, and “the act of exchanging conversations with obscenity (the act of exchanging conversations while obscenity with obscene act, such as dial-a-a-mail).”

During the process of approaching the victim by the above method and dividing the conversations using the Kakakakao Messen case, the victim sent the Kakakao Messen case to the victim, and, in the case of storage in the mobile phone, the malicious code that allows the person with the authority to operate the file to access all files, such as the contact address and photograph of the cellular phone in which the file is stored, and had the victim install the Kakao Kakao Messen” file to the victim's cell phone.

As the victim stored the above file in the cell phone, the victim had the victim do self-defense by using the Kakao Kakao Stockholm (the function of providing the Kakao Kakao fix with a video call among the participants of the Kakao cryp) and recorded the victim's self-defense.

Then, the person under whose name the victim’s act of self-defense shows the video recorded through the Kakakao Kakao Kakao case on the same day, and “If the victim does not send 800,000 won in cash, he will spread the image of his own act to the contact point stored in the victim’s cell phone, and if the victim does not respond to the request of the victim, he would then spread it to the contact point where the victim stored in the victim’s cell phone.” The victim was threatened by intimidation, such as impairing the victim’s reputation, and received KRW 80,000 from the EF bank account (G account number) on the same day from around that day to November 18, 2019, and then 33 times as shown in the list of crimes.
