본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 2017.09.21 2016가단801210

1. In the case of Defendant F, the annexed list to the Plaintiff

6. The restoration of real estate recorded shall be effected by reason of genuine title.


1. Claim against Defendant A, B, C, D, E, E

A. Basic facts (1) In the national forest register made after the tidal wave, “Y 2:8 Y 2:8 Y 2:3 Y Y” is written as owned by H.

The term “H” written by the Property Investigation Committee for Pro-Japanese Collaborative Acts of the Republic of Korea indicates the address of “H” only as “sports”, and the term “affiliated, position, occupation, etc.” is a disturbance.

② On April 28, 1970, the registration of preservation of ownership was completed in the J's future with respect to the register of the 3rd Class of the 2nd class of the 2nd class of the 2nd class of the 2nd class of the 2nd class of the 1970 forest land (hereinafter "I forest before

On the other hand, in the forestry register concerning I forest land before the division, the registration of preservation of ownership was completed on April 18, 1970, which was before the registration of preservation of ownership was completed, stated as the "transfer of ownership" to J.

J has been managing the I forest as the owner of the I forest before division from around that time.

③ On February 2, 1984, K Forest 4976 square meters (hereinafter “K Forest 4976 square meters before the division”) was divided in the first forest before the division, and a list 3.20 on August 20, 1984;

4. Each real estate recorded has been divided, and a list 6 February 9, 1987, annexed hereto;

7. Each real estate recorded has been divided.

As a result, I forest land before division shall be listed in the annexed sheet.

1. The real estate in which the entry was made.

In addition, the separate list on August 20, 1984 from K forest before the division.

5. An annexed list for K forest land before division due to the division of the real estate stated therein.

2. The real estate in which the entry was made.

4. List 1.3

7. The registration of ownership transfer has been completed in the defendant A on the ground of "the inheritance by consultation and division on April 23, 2004" on June 1, 1993, and the ownership transfer has reached the present point.

Defendant A continues to exist from the time when the consultation was divided as above;

7. Each real estate mentioned above has been managed, and the J established a mountain site on that land, and around November 2012, it occupied 4,500 pine trees in peace and openly.

(5) Attached list

2. The description;
