All appeals by the Defendants and the Prosecutor are dismissed.
1. Summary of grounds for appeal;
A. Defendant A (1) misunderstanding of facts) Defendant A’s telephone financial fraud group (hereinafter “instant financial fraud group”) in China’s mountain dunes (hereinafter “B”)
)의 조직원으로서 이 사건 범행에 가담한 사실은 있으나, ① 범행기간과 관련하여, 피고인 A은 2013. 12. 31.경부터 2014. 4. 중순경까지는 중국 대련(다롄)에 있었고, 2014. 4. 중순경 위해로 돌아옴에 따라 2014. 5.경부터 다시 위 범행에 가담한 것이어서 위 2013. 12. 31.경부터 2014. 4. 중순경까지의 기간 동안은 위 범행에 가담하지 않았고, ② 범행역할과 관련하여, 피고인 A은 이 사건 금융사기단의 콜센터 팀장이 아닌 상담원으로서 단순 가담한 것에 불과함에도, 피고인 A에 대한 이 사건 공소사실을 모두 유죄로 인정한 원심의 판단에는 사실을 오인하여 판결에 영향을 미친 위법이 있다. 2) 양형부당 피고인 A에 대한 원심의 형(징역 3년, 몰수)이 너무 무거워서 부당하다.
B. The lower court’s imprisonment with prison labor for Defendant B (four years of imprisonment, confiscation) is too unreasonable.
C. Each sentence of the lower court against the Defendants by the Prosecutor is too unhued and unreasonable.
2. Judgment on Defendant A
A. The lower court’s determination on Defendant A’s assertion of misunderstanding of facts was based on the evidence duly admitted and investigated by the lower court, and the following circumstances are relatively specific: (i) Defendant A took part in the instant financial fraud group from the end of November 2012 to the end of March 2013; (ii) from January 2014 to July 2014, the instant financial fraud group to the end of July 2014; and (iii) there was no statement to the effect that Defendant A was suspended from committing a crime while residing in China; and (iv) Defendant A made a statement to the effect that the crime was suspended.