본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 인천지방법원 2018.10.04 2018고단5795

1. Defendant A shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for ten months, by imprisonment for six months, by imprisonment for Defendant C, D, and E.


Punishment of the crime

Any person who intends to import goods shall file a report thereon with the head of a customs office on the name, standard, quantity, price, etc. of the relevant goods.

1. The Defendant received a proposal from G (Seoul High Court on August 17, 2018, and 1,586,288,240, the Seoul High Court on June 17, 2018, and a fine of KRW 1,588,240) that “I would make an investment in the gold bullying,” and around that time, I invested KRW 100,000,000 to G and was aware of it.

B, E, D, C, etc. by suggesting that “The gold bullion imported in red bees will be KRW 700,000 per page by transport,” and that “the gold bullion imported in red bees will be KRW 700,000 per page.”

Accordingly, the Defendant, in collusion with G on May 12, 2017, entered the Incheon International Airport via HI, and imported the sum of 1,666.67ggs (the sum of 74,183,482 won in total, the market price of goods, 81,913,497 won in total) of the total of 1,66.67gs (the sum of 74,183,482 won in goods, and 81,913,497 won in total) in collusion with G during three times from that time until May 20, 2017, together with each transport 5,317.462gs (A), such as B, E, D, and C, including the total sum of the cost of goods, 239,99,915 won in total, 264,2666,67 won in total, 2067).

2. Defendant B

A. On May 12, 2017, the Defendant: (a) received a proposal from A to “I will give KRW 700,000 per week of transporting gold; (b) received such proposal; and (c) imported gold 1,006.67g (a total of 44,806,882 won of the cost of goods, total of 49,475,817 won, total of the market price of goods) without filing a declaration thereon with customs office, when entering the Incheon International Airport via HI, by using LI.

B. The Defendant, upon receiving a proposal from A to “I will give KRW 700,000 per week by transporting gold,” and consented thereto, and on May 20, 2017, entered the Incheon International Airport from Hopean by using the H Air J letter, and entered the Republic of Korea from Hope to the Incheon International Airport, and the sum of gold bars, such as one gold leader in the shape of a bank and one gold leader in the form of a bank.
