본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울고등법원 2014.12.11 2014누48605

1. The plaintiff's appeal is dismissed.

2. The costs of appeal shall be borne by the Plaintiff.

Purport of claim and appeal

The first instance court.


1. The reasoning of the court’s explanation of this case is as follows, except for the addition of the determination of the Plaintiff’s assertion as to the instant case as set forth in paragraph (2) and the addition of the determination of the Plaintiff’s assertion as set forth in paragraph (3). As such, the reasoning of the court’s explanation of this case is cited pursuant to Article 8(2) of the Administrative Litigation Act and the main sentence

2. Parts to be dried;

(a) Part 5 of the third page "No. 16, 2013" shall be used "No. 17, 2013, April 17, 2013, April 24, 2013, and May 9, 2013," and the same date "the same date" in Part 8 shall be applied "No. 16, April 16, 2014 (the same female high school, the same female high school), and April 17, 2013 (the same middle school)".

The amount of health insurance premiums not borne by the corporate accounts is the same as the amount of the application for subsidies for financial deficiencies of the standard amount of financial revenue of the standard financial revenue of the high school which is the same as the amount of the application for subsidies for financial deficiencies of the standard amount of financial demand of the standard financial revenue of the difference, including the amount equivalent to the health insurance premiums not borne by the corporate accounts of the reduced amount of the application for subsidies for financial deficiencies. 2,068,740,740,760,0005,067,927,992, 187,000,068,740,0005,089,086,000,0006,000,0003,020,020,346,000

(b) the third part of the “same Female High School” in the “third part is written in the following:

C. Following the third page, the third letter " May 31, 2013" shall be incorporated into " May 31, 2013 (the same female high school, the same female high school), and June 20, 2013 (the same middle school)".

The 6th part of the 11st part shall be subject to "in the case of not bearing".

3. Additional determination

A. The Plaintiff’s assertion (i.e., the instant guidelines or the legal provisions that served as the basis for the instant disposition are unconstitutional as follows, and thus, the instant disposition is unlawful.

㈎ 학교법인 교직원들의 건강보험료는 교육활동을 위한 인건비에 해당하므로 학교회계에서 부담하게 하여야 함에도 이와 달리 법인회계에서 원칙적으로 부담하도록 한 구「국민건강보험법」 2014. 1. 1....
