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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울서부지방법원 2019.05.29 2018가합39051

1. The Defendant: 5% per annum from May 2, 2018 to May 29, 2019 to the Plaintiff and from the next day.


1. Basic facts

A. A located in Mapo-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government (hereinafter “instant building”) is the main complex. The Plaintiff has managed the commercial building part of the instant building and collected management expenses according to the management rules as an organization composed of the council of occupants’ representatives and the management body composed of the sectional owners of officetels and commercial buildings for the integrated management of the instant building.

B. On April 23, 2015, the Defendant: (a) leased the instant building Nos. 1 floor E, F, and G from D (hereinafter “D”); (b) paid monthly management expenses notified by the management office by the end of each month to the designated receiving bank; and (c) concluded that the Defendant is liable separately from monthly management expenses for electricity, water, gas, etc. used as a business necessity from July 1, 2015; (b) when the Defendant wishes to add or alter facilities, such as heating, cooling, etc., within the leased object, the Defendant agreed to obtain D’s consent, along with drawings and specifications, in advance.

(Article XII(2)(c).

The building of this case is installed with a central heating and cooling system through a cold and hot water conditioning apparatus. On the 6th underground floor, a water conditioning apparatus and a hot water boiler installed for commercial use is supplied with air cooling and heating to each shop and section for common use, and the heating and cooling pipes from a cold and hot water circulation pumps are connected to the leased commercial part by the Defendant.

However, heating measuring instruments for each store are not installed, and accordingly heating and cooling expenses for each household were imposed in a way that the actual cost for each household is allocated in proportion to the ratio of the whole oil area.

From the time of the conclusion of the lease agreement to the present time, the Defendant is operating a health room in the above leased part, and the place where the central cooling and heating facilities have been installed among the above health center shall be set up in Aluminum board, and air conditioners entering the center shall be installed.
