본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 광주지방법원 목포지원 2014.04.04 2013고단1515

Defendants are not guilty.


1. Defendant B is the actual operator of the instant facts charged, except when she first mentioned D Co., Ltd. (in the case of a corporation, she omitted the indication of the corporation).

D Around January 2010, the F Industrial Complex Corporation, the contractor of the F Industrial Complex, implemented by E, subcontracted the construction of the above industrial complex, but it was impossible to continue the construction due to the shortage of funds, due to the lack of funds in E, the person who will lend the funds to E.

G, an employee of D, introduced Defendant A, who was aware of the peace to continue the construction, was introduced to E, and E loaned approximately KRW 20 million from Defendant A to approximately KRW 50 million for the operational fund of E, the remainder was paid to D as construction cost, and Defendant A created a collateral on the land owned by him.


B around June 201, H was subcontracted with D Corporation 101,836,860 won, 114,693,327 won for oil suppliers, 44,478,000 won, 125,980,000 won for K who is a equipment lessor, and 18,000 won for L who is a worker, and 12,98,187 won for the total amount of 416,98,187 won for the employees and 12,000 won for the payment order against Youngju District Court on December 22, 2010, SH applied for the payment order against Youngju District Court on December 23, 2010 for the payment order against the obligees on May 19, 201.

In addition, Defendant B was under the condition that Defendant B would pay the obligees the obligation when the progress payment was made from the Sung Y Construction, the original company, and Defendant A was under the pressure that Defendant B and G would pay the loan which was not received from Defendant B and G.

Accordingly, for the purpose of evading compulsory execution in collusion, the Defendants are D firms in fact at the C Attorney-at-Law Office located in Gwangju Dong-gu, Gwangju around June 30, 201.
