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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울북부지방법원 2019.09.25 2019고단3032

The defendant shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for not less than eight months, and imprisonment with prison labor for not less than one year and six months for the crime Nos. 2 and 3 of the decision.


Punishment of the crime

[Criminal Power] On November 29, 2018, the Defendant was sentenced to eight months of imprisonment for the crime of quasi-indecent act by force in the Youngcheon District Court’s Yeongdeungpo Branch’s monthly branch on April 22, 2019, and the execution of the sentence was completed in Chuncheon Prison on April 23, 2019, and the said judgment became final and conclusive on April 23, 2019.

【Criminal Facts】

1. Purchasing Handphones around July 2018 and around August 2018, no person other than a person handling Handphones (hereinafter “Handphones”) shall sell, deliver, or administer psychotropic drugs, and the Defendant is not a person handling narcotics.

On July 2018, the Defendant decided to purchase philopon from a nameless person who became aware of in-house app, and brought 500,000 won in cash on the outer wall of the second floor of Michuhol-gu Incheon, Michuhol-gu, Incheon, and purchased philopon by using a disposable injection device with approximately 0.8g of philopon, which had been moved in the future of the “D” entrance located in the Michuhol-gu Incheon, Michuhol-gu, Incheon, which was known to the above winner of the name.

B. On August 1, 2018, the Defendant added approximately 0.1g of opphones to the Dongdaemun-gu Seoul EMel and 0.1g of opphones to the single-use injection machine, melted them with water, and continuously melted approximately 0.1g of opphones into the single-use injection machine, and melted them with water, and administered opphones jointly by means of injection into the Defendant’s arms.

C. On August 13, 2018, the Defendant inserted approximately 0.1g of opon into the Dongdaemun-gu Seoul EMel and 0.1g of opon into the single-use injection machine, melted with water, and melted approximately 0.1g of opon into the body of F in a single-use injection machine, and melted with water, and administered the opon jointly by means of injection into the Defendant’s arms.

The Defendant, at night from August 14, 2018 to May 15, 2018, put approximately 0.1g of philopon into the Defendant’s house located in the Michuhol-gu Incheon Metropolitan City G building H at night, for a single-time injection machine, and melt it into the Defendant’s arms.
