본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 광주지방법원 2019.08.13 2019고단2184

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.


Punishment of the crime

1. On June 3, 2019, the Defendant: (a) around 04:30 on June 3, 2019, around 04:30, the victim D, which was installed in his/her front corridor, had one electric seat seat equivalent to KRW 300,000, at the market price of the victim D, who was installed in his/her front corridor.

Accordingly, the defendant stolen the victim's property.

2. Residential intrusion, theft on June 4, 2019;

A. On June 4, 2019, around 13:50 on June 4, 2019, the Defendant: (a) obtained property from the victim F’s house located in Yangyang-gun E; (b) obtained property from the victim F; and (c) infringed upon the victim’s residence through an open warehouse.

B. At the time and place indicated in the above paragraph 2, the Defendant: (a) had one of the victim’s cash 40,000 won in the victim’s possession, and one of the SamsungTV in the market price in the dwelling space, which is equivalent to 60,000 won in the victim’s cash 40,000 won in the victim’s house inside and outside of the house.

Accordingly, the defendant stolen the victim's property.

3. Residential intrusion, theft on June 12, 2019;

A. On June 12, 2019, around 14:30 on June 12, 2019, the Defendant: (a) stolen property from the victim F’s house located in the place described in the foregoing paragraph 2(a); (b) obtained the said property from the method described in the above paragraph 2(a); and (c) invaded upon the victim’s residence.

B. On June 12, 2019, the Defendant: (a) around 14:30 on June 12, 2019, at the places indicated in the foregoing paragraph 2(a); (b) cash 41,000 won owned by the victim, which was located on a bank inside the victim’s house inside the inside of the victim’s house; and (c) one resident registration certificate; and (d) one victim’s market price on the part of a ward.

Accordingly, the defendant stolen the victim's property.

Summary of Evidence

1. Defendant's legal statement;

1. Each police statement made to F and D;

1. Application of Acts and subordinate statutes to the F Statements;

1. Relevant provisions of the Criminal Act, Article 329 of the Criminal Act, Article 319 (1) of the Criminal Act, and Article 319 (1) of the Criminal Act, and the choice of imprisonment, respectively, for the crime;

1. Of concurrent crimes, the former part of Article 37, Article 38(1)2 and Article 50 of the Criminal Act.
