1. The judgment of the court of first instance is modified as follows.
The Defendant-Counterclaim Plaintiff (Counterclaim Defendant) shall each be the Plaintiff (Counterclaim Defendant) on 2,718.
1. The reasoning of the court of the first instance’s explanation concerning this case is the same as the reasoning of the judgment of the first instance, except for addition or dismissal as follows. Thus, it is citing this as it is in accordance with the main sentence of Article 420 of the Civil Procedure Act.
Part 5 "(s)" shall be added to "the following applicable mutatis mutandis in Part 16." In Part 6, "The following as of August 12, 2016" and "F Hospital Medical Treatment Costs" shall be added to "the following as of August 12, 2016."
The 6th page 13 to 16 are as follows.
㈏ 향후치료비 전신 다발성 반흔 성형술 4,285,525원(비용 5,125,000원, 피고가 이 법원 변론종결일 이전에 그 치료를 받고 비용을 지출하였음을 인정할 증거가 없는 이상 제1심 법원의 K병원장에 대한 신체감정촉탁결과를 반영하여 이 법원 변론종결일로부터 6개월 후인 2019. 5. 15. 일괄 지출하는 것으로 보고, 위 금액을 이 사건 사고 당시의 현가로 계산한다) 제6면 마지막행의 “치료비 9,308,682원”을 “치료비 9,233,704원”으로, 제7면 제1행의 “향후치료비 4,392,637원”을 “향후치료비 4,285,525원”으로 각 고친다.
Article 7 of the 7th 3th 4th 4th 3th 4th 3th 4th 3th 3th 3th 4th 4th 5,66,97 £« 4,521,149 [The 3,831,280 + the 9,113,148th + the 5,666,977 + the 4,446,171 won [the 3,831,280 won + the 956,253 won + the 956,253 won].
Part 7 11 "total 14,18,126 won" shall be "total 14,113,148 won", and in Part 12 "10,18,126 won" shall be "10,113,148 won".
Part 8 sets forth "each KRW 7,094,063" as "each KRW 7,056,574", "14,188,126 won" in Part 4 as "14,113,148 won", and "by May 18, 2018, which is the date of this decision, until the date of this decision" in Articles 5 and 6 as "by January 10, 2019, which is the date of this decision."
Part 8, Chapters 14 through 19 are as follows: