본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 2017.03.16 2016고단6934

Defendants shall be punished by imprisonment for up to eight months.

However, from the date of the conclusion of the judgment, the above two years for the Defendants respectively.


Punishment of the crime


A is the vice president of the second class trading company located in the Nam-gu Incheon Metropolitan City, who is the vice president of the said trading company, to manage the work hours of the said trading company employees, to pay profits to the employees, and takes charge of supporting advertising expenses to the above trading company’s “the team leader” of the said trading company. Defendant B, as “the team leader of the said company” of the said company, received advertising expenses from the Defendant A and received advertising expenses from the said company. Defendant B, as an “the team leader of the second class trading company” of the said company, received advertising expenses from the Defendant, raises advertising advertisements on the Internet, managing the said company G, etc., and send the above G, etc. to the customers if

The role of ordering the sale of the vehicle is to direct the customer to sell the vehicle directly at the site according to the direction of Defendant B, and G has contributed to the role of selling the vehicle directly to the customer at the site, has induced the customer by advertising false material advertisements which set a much higher price than the actual vehicle price on the Internet, and then, the customer who reported the advertisement does not wish to sell the vehicle at the price indicated in the advertisement, but it is necessary to make a contract with the customer first and receive the vehicle price and receive the vehicle price, and then additionally transfer money is needed.

When requesting additional payments, “A, etc., I would like to make you waive the purchase of the first contracted vehicle from the customer as if they did not return the vehicle price already paid, and would have the vehicle sales revenue acquired by transferring another vehicle with lower prices than the substitute price.

1. On May 2, 2016, Defendant B delegated by the Defendant A to share the roles in advance at a trading company of the “F” around May 2, 2016 with the victim H, and Defendant B delegated with the said role in advance at a trading site of the Internet of the medium and medium-sized vehicles, for KRW 7 million.
