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텍스트 조절
(영문) 부산지방법원 2014.05.23 2013고합954

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for two years.

A candidate for medical treatment and custody shall be punished by medical treatment and custody.


Criminal facts

【Criminal Treatment and Custody Facts】 The defendant and the requester for medical treatment and custody (hereinafter referred to as the “defendant”) shall be deemed to have been in a state of mental disability at the time of the instant crime in light of the following: (a) notification of the result of the mental appraisal of a medical treatment and custody center and other motive for the crime; (b) details and means and patterns of the crime; (c) the defendant’s behavior before and after the crime; and (d) attitude in the investigation and trial proceedings under the lack of the ability to discern

The following crimes have been committed:

"2013, 954"

1. On February 4, 2013, the Defendant: (a) prepared a complaint with the content that “A, the Defendant’s wife, was forced by indecent act, such as the omission of the complainant’s sexual organ, at the Domotourel on June 28, 2012, around 23:00, at the Busan Gangseo-gu Busan Metropolitan City 29 U.S., the Busan Metropolitan City Damo-si, Busan Metropolitan City Do Do Do Do Do 2013, and submitted the complaint to the public prosecutor’s office of the former State public prosecutor’s office

However, there was no fact that C had committed indecent act by force against the defendant.

In addition, until February 14, 2013, the defendant had not been sentenced to criminal punishment C and E, such as the list of crimes (1) in the attached Form No. 1, for the purpose of having C and E receive criminal punishment.

2. On February 19, 2013, the Defendant: (a) prepared a complaint stating that “Around December 17, 2012, 2012, F, the Defendant, at the Busan Prison, intended to borrow KRW 70,000,00 from the complainant’s wife G to borrow KRW 70,000 from the complainant’s account; and (b) had the said G transfer the said money to the Defendant’s account; and (c) submitted the above complaint to the public service center of the Ulsan District Public Prosecutor’s Office around February 19, 2013.

However, the F did not receive money from the accused or G.

As a result, the defendant was arrested by F with the aim of having F punished criminal punishment.

3. The Defendant, around February 18, 2013, at the Chuncheon District Public Prosecutor’s Office, located in the original city around February 18, 2013.
