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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원 2021.01.06 2020고정1656

The sentence of sentence against the defendant shall be suspended.


Punishment of the crime

[Fact] A person (management number D) who has registered a loan brokerage business with the name “C” in the Gu Office of Incheon among Incheon (hereinafter “F”) is the hub of the so-called “work loan” that the lending business owner arbitrarily forges documents related to the income of the lending business owner or uses false information to obtain a loan to the lending bank by using the name of the lending business owner, such as making an examination only through documents and telephone without conducting a field investigation as to the existence and employment of the lending business owner in the savings bank, using the name of the lending business owner.

G promotional activities that make it impossible to lend a loan to a person without title or university students to the effect that the loan is an unconditional loan, and only the nominal owner who has contacted with such activities may obtain a loan by deceiving the lending company in sequence by inducing B and the lending company to make false information about whether the lending company is in office or not, and by inducing B to obtain a work loan by deceiving the lending company, when examining the phone of the lending bank manager, the lending company is called “F” in order by inducing B and the lending company to make a false information about the “work, whether the lending company is in office, monthly pay, etc.”

[Criminal facts] The Defendant is the nominal owner of a loan for work loan, such as the above facts.

On July 2, 2018, the Defendant knew on July 2, 2018 that “F” G, which was known in the course of the introduction by E-gu J, is not approved to oneself with no occupation.
