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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울행정법원 2019.03.14 2018구단60178

1. As to KRW 237,861,60, and KRW 30,000 among them, the Defendant shall start from May 3, 2017 to November 8, 2017.


1. Details of ruling;

(a) Business approval and public notice - Business name: Urban development project (B) - Project operator: Defendant - Public notice of the designation of an urban development zone: Defendant - Public notice of the designation of an urban development zone: C- Public notice of the high city on April 21, 2008: Public notice of the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs on May 18, 2012;

B. The Central Land Tribunal’s ruling of expropriation on March 9, 2017 - Subject to expropriation: The land category of the instant case was changed from the “B” to the “road” on July 1, 2010, to the “Congyang-gu, Seoyang-gu, the Plaintiff owned (hereinafter “instant land”).

- The actual state of use of the instant land: The actual state of use is “road” among the instant land; the actual state of use is deemed “road”; the actual state of use is deemed “ Jeon”; on May 2, 2017, the date of expropriation: - Compensation for losses: Total sum of KRW 216,932,700: (a) the actual state of use is deemed “road” (229 square meters): KRW 148,689,700 (unit price: 649,300 square meters); (b) the actual state of use is deemed “full” (35 square meters): 68,243,00 (unit price: 1,949,800 square meters); and (c) the appraisal corporation and G20.

C. The Central Land Tribunal’s ruling on September 21, 2017 – The actual use of the instant land: The actual use of the instant land is deemed to be “road” and the actual use of the instant land is deemed to be “ Jeon”; the actual use of the instant land is deemed to be “full”; the total compensation for losses: 295,418,400 square meters: (a) the portion in which the actual use of the instant land is deemed to be “road” (174 square meters): 115,031,400 square meters (unit price: 661,100 square meters) and (b) the portion in which the actual use of the instant land is deemed to be “full” (90 square meters): 180,387,000 square meters (unit price: 2,004,300 square meters) - The appraisal corporation: H2,000 square meters, and the purport of the entire pleadings and arguments as a whole.

2. The assertion and judgment

A. The Plaintiff’s assertion is a planned official map used as a road after the land was determined as an urban planning facility road around 2006, and thus, it should not be evaluated as a de facto private road.

Nevertheless, it is not possible.
