1. As to the real estate listed in paragraph 1 of the attached Table to the Plaintiff A, the Defendants are listed in the attached Table No. 2.
1. Facts of recognition;
A. The real estate listed in paragraph (1) of the Attached List No. 1 (hereinafter “real estate 1”) was originally owned by F. As F died on November 18, 1995, the registration of ownership transfer was completed on January 11, 2006 with respect to each 1/3 share due to the inheritance due to the split-off in consultation between the heir G, the Plaintiff A, and B on January 11, 2006, respectively, and the registration of ownership transfer was completed on August 19, 2015 with respect to each 1/3 share of Plaintiff B on August 19, 205.
B. The real estate listed in the separate sheet No. 2 (hereinafter “2 real estate”) was originally owned by F. As F died on November 18, 1995, the registration of ownership transfer was completed for each 1/3 share due to inheritance due to the heir G, the Plaintiff A, and the Plaintiff’s division in the future on January 11, 2006, and the registration of ownership transfer was completed for each 1/3 share of the Plaintiff on August 19, 205. The registration of ownership transfer was completed in the Plaintiff B on August 12, 2015 for each 1/3 share of the Plaintiff.
C. The real estate listed in Paragraph 3 of the Attached List (hereinafter “third real estate”) was originally owned by F. As F died on November 18, 1995, the registration of ownership transfer was completed for each 1/3 share due to the inheritance due to the inheritance due to the split-off in consultation between the heir G, the Plaintiff A, and B on January 11, 2006. As for the 1/3 share of G on January 10, 2017, the registration of ownership transfer was completed in the Plaintiff C’s future on January 9, 2017.
Attached Form
The real estate listed in paragraph (4) of the list (hereinafter “fourth real estate”) was originally owned by F. As the F died on November 18, 1995, the registration of ownership transfer was completed on January 11, 2006 with respect to each 1/3 share due to inheritance due to the inheritance due to consultation and division in the future G, Plaintiff A, and B. On August 19, 2015, the registration of ownership transfer was completed on August 19, 2015 with respect to each 1/3 share of Plaintiff B’s 1/3 share due to the donation on August 12, 2015.
E. The real estate listed in [Attachment 5] No. 5.