본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 대전지방법원 논산지원 2011.01.20 2010고합39
업무상횡령 등


A In 10 months of imprisonment for the crime of occupational embezzlement, a fine of 2,00,000 won for the crime of violation of the Political Funds Act.


Punishment of the crime

1. Defendant A

A. Defendant A, as the representative director of the Victim (State)G (hereinafter “victim Company”), managed the funds of the Victim Company as Defendant A.


A around March 24, 2008, at the office of the victim company located in H, the victim company's property of the victim company was embezzled by arbitrarily consuming KRW 30,300,000,000,000,000,000,000 won of the company funds of the victim company, which I withdrawn in cash, for political funds, from the office of the victim company located in G, and then, the victim company's property was embezzled by voluntarily consuming the amount of KRW 330,30,00 in total over 19 times, as shown in the list of crimes in the attached

B. Defendant A in violation of the Political Funds Act was proposed to lend election funds from B, who was going to be a candidate for the election district of the 18th National Assembly member of the Republic of Korea on March 2008, 2008. Defendant A contributed 350,000,000 won, including the withdrawal of company funds from B, as shown in paragraph (2) of the following crime list, to B, etc., at the bar office located in Seocho-gu Seoul, at around 4 and 5 times on March 2008, by free lending the total amount of KRW 383,00,000,000,000 to B as a political fund, as shown in the list of crimes.

Accordingly, Defendant A contributed political funds in a way that is not stipulated in the Political Funds Act.

On February 22, 2008, the temporary donation method of the place of election Nos. 350,000,000, transferred to L’s account to be paid by the election campaign manager as H 8,000 company funds, etc. on or around February 22, 2008, to L’s account, the election campaign manager, etc. on or around March 3, 2008, by cash delivery and free lending to B as election funds, around March 4, 2008, the cash delivery and free lending to B as 10,000,000 company funds, etc. of the B Election Countermeasures Headquarters office office in Seocho-gu Seoul, Seoul Special Metropolitan City around March 7, 2008, such as the payment of expenses for the office operation of the election campaign headquarters.
