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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2018.10.19 2018고단4213

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for three years.


Punishment of the crime

1. Fraudulent and attempted fraud;

A. From May 1, 2013, the Financial Supervisory Commission implemented the so-called “National Dental Fund Debt Adjustment System” in which ordinary people reduce financial costs by converting high interest rate loans received from financial rights into low interest rates under an agreement with the Korea Asset Management Corporation, Credit Counseling and Recovery Service, the Microfinance, the Agricultural Bank, the Nonghyup Bank, and the KB National Bank.

E, while operating several lending brokerage companies, such as “F companies,” etc. at the same time, in China where it is difficult to track by using other credit information such as the details and contact numbers of customers who have requested loan brokerage companies, the E calls from the customers in which it is difficult to use the previous loan details and contact numbers, etc., to make the customers to obtain a loan at a low interest rate and make the victims obtain a new loan, and then make the victims withdraw the loan by transferring the loan to the public passbook by referring to the lending passbook.

Accordingly, E organized a Bosping organization composed of approximately 40 teams of approximately 8 teams by recruiting members of K, L, M, N, and other organizations, which directly or indirectly enable E, H, I, and J, to get loans from the victims by telephoneing.

In addition, if a loan is transferred to the account in the name of the victims, E immediately transferred the loan to the account in the name of the victims and made the O, etc. withdraw 10% of the loan to K, L, N, P, Q, R, and M, and planned 5% of the loan to distribute it to the team members such as K, L, N, P, Q, R, and M and to acquire the remaining money.

B. The Defendant, taking part in the Defendant’s criminal act, was operating as J and Dong business a mutual lending brokerage company of “T company” in Gangseo-gu Seoul, Gangseo-gu, Seoul as from around 2010, and the Defendant could impose a large amount of money from the above E to the point of view in around 2013.
