본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 창원지방법원 진주지원 2017.02.07 2016고단1266

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten months.

However, the execution of the above sentence shall be suspended for a period of two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

The Defendant is a local public official of Grade 8-10 working for a facility management center from April 1, 1996 to December 20, 2016 at a victim C college located in Gyeongnam-gun, Chungcheongnam-do. From September 14, 200 to October 18, 2013, the Defendant is in charge of managing and executing school scholarship funds at the above university manpower development center, providing guidance and support for school loans and loans, cash receipt and disbursement related to dormitory accounts, student fee execution and receipt support, from October 19, 2013 to October 15, 2016.

1. Around March 24, 2009, the Defendant embezzled the total amount of KRW 24,33,506 in total 52 times from around that time to May 10, 2013, by arbitrarily consuming the amount of KRW 700,00 for personal purposes, such as bond, repayment of personal obligations, living expenses, etc., while obtaining membership fees from the above university students in the Nong Bank located in the above university, and making a withdrawal of KRW 70,00,00, while in the course of performing duties for the victim, at the Nong Bank located in the above university’s name.

2. Around December 1, 2015, the Defendant embezzled 6,50,00 won in total nine times from around the following day to December 24, 2015 by arbitrarily consuming 6,650,00 won from the following day: (a) he/she received the payment of the credit card of the Lifelong Education Center BC card from the Nong Bank located in the above university via a passbook (Account Number E) to withdraw 450,000 won while he/she kept in business for the victim; and (b) arbitrarily consumed and embezzled the payment of personal debt, such as bonds, living expenses, etc.; and (c) he/she embezzled the payment of the credit card of the Lifelong Education Center at his/her own expense from around the time to December 24, 2015.

3. On May 24, 2016, the Defendant embezzled operating expenses of the Lifelong Education Center: (a) received the remittance of operating expenses of the Lifelong Education Center from the Nong Bank located in the above university in the name of the university in the name of the university to the account number F.
