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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대전지방법원홍성지원 2015.11.04 2014가단7360

1. The Plaintiff, Defendant Hyundai Marine Fire Insurance Co., Ltd., 491,810 won, and Defendant Samsung Fire Insurance Co., Ltd., Ltd.


1. On April 23, 2014, at around 12:37, the Plaintiff is driving a passenger car (2,987CC; hereinafter “Plaintiff”) owned by the Plaintiff and driving a benz S350-car (hereinafter “Plaintiff”) along the calendar of the second line in Bocheon-si, Bocheon-si (hereinafter “Plaintiff”) along the parallel of the second line in the Bencheon-si, Bocheon-si, Bocheon-si, the parallel of the second line in the Benz as Bocheon post office.

A red on-and-off signal has been installed, and the traffic has not been controlled (hereinafter referred to as the “instant intersection”) has been straighted by entering the intersection.

However, after that, C-J 3 truck (hereinafter “A-J 3 truck”) proceeds along two-lanes from the front side of the office room of Bocheon-gu Office, the opposite part of which is the front side of the Plaintiff’s vehicle, without turning on the direction, etc. for the intersection in this case, and conflicts with the front part of the left part of the Plaintiff’s vehicle by making a left-hand turn without turning on the direction, etc.

(hereinafter “instant accident”). As a result, the Plaintiff suffered injury, such as salt pansium, tension, etc., in need of medical treatment for approximately two weeks.

Defendant Hyundai Marine Fire Insurance Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “Defendant Hyundai Marine Insurance Co., Ltd.”) is an insurer who has entered into a comprehensive automobile insurance contract with respect to a marine vehicle. Defendant Samsung Fire Marine Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “Defendant Samsung Fire”) is an insurer who has entered into a comprehensive automobile insurance contract with respect to the Plaintiff’s vehicle (hereinafter “instant insurance contract”).

The parts related to the instant case among “The Special Terms and Conditions II for Support of Lice Expenses” incorporated into the content of the instant insurance contract are as follows.

(2) In the event that insurance money is paid due to an accident falling under Article 21(1) of the General Terms and Conditions or Article 2(1) of the Special Terms and Conditions for Compensation for Loss of Motor Vehicles, if the insured becomes unable to use the insured motor vehicle, the insurer of the content of compensation.
