본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2017.11.24 2017고합704


A Imprisonment with prison labor for three years and fines for 3,000,000 won, and Defendant B shall be punished by imprisonment for ten months.


A above.


Punishment of the crime

1. The Defendants’ joint crime committed by the Defendants through J, which was around September, 2015, participated in the “KKM” held in Seoul on November 28, 2015, and offered money for betting in the U.S. by participating in the sports group with L wage M (hereinafter “instant sports”) from K’s players N’s athletes, who were scheduled to participate in the sports group, in return for winning a 100 million won. Upon introduction of Defendant A to invest KRW 100 million in the above sports group, Defendant A, O, and N, who intended to pay KRW 100 million to Defendant A, O, and N, and intended to buy money for betting in the U.S. S. M. gas.


At early October 2015, A, as conspired with Defendant B, made an illegal solicitation with Q, N andO, which was located in the mutual influorial entertainment place located in Gangnam-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government, with Q, which was located in Gangnam-gu, Seoul, and “B, before entering the 3rd Round among the 3rd Rods in the instant games, to enter the 3rd Rods,” and sent 30 million won from the place of the solicitation to N. during November 2015. In addition, N andO made such illegal solicitation with Q, which was located in the mutual influoral entertainment place located in the Gangnam-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government Samsungdong, and sent 70 million won from the place of the solicitation to N.

Although the Defendants, in collusion with Qu et al., know well that N had the duty to perform the players' activities in good faith and sincerity by demonstrating their abilities and functions as players belonging to Qu et al., the Defendants intentionally made an illegal solicitation and offered property in collusion with Qu et al.

2. Defendant A’s crime;

A. If a resident who is a national of the country in violation of the Foreign Exchange Transactions Act carries and exports means of payment exceeding US$10,000, it shall be reported to the head of the competent customs office, but the Defendant, in November 2015, brought about KRW 190,000,000 and KRW 450,000,000,000,000,000,000 won received from a policeman B and the Defendant’s money to the U.S.

In the game of this case, N has been transferred to 3 Round.
