1. Ascertainment that the plaintiffs are regular members of the defendant.
2. The costs of the lawsuit are assessed against the defendant.
1. Basic facts
A. The defendant is an incorporated association with the aim of acquiring a DNA license as its members, promoting friendship and sound D development among its members, and contributing to the improvement of public health and the promotion of welfare.
The plaintiffs are engaged in D under the Public Health Control Act after obtaining D's license.
B. On February 25, 2014, the Defendant held the 69th regular meeting to elect the president of the Defendant Federation, and E was elected as the president.
C. 1) On April 14, 2015, the Defendant’s National Federation Disciplinary Committee decided to dismiss the Plaintiff’s membership system on the ground that “The Plaintiff, a regular general meeting, applied for provisional measures to suspend the performance of the Chairperson E, who is lawfully elected through an election, applied for the provisional measures to suspend the performance of the Chairperson, despite the dismissal by the court, again applied for provisional measures to suspend the performance of the Chairperson’s duties. The Defendant was subject to provisional measures to prohibit the Defendant’s work and honor by withdrawing a large number of members from the Defendant National Federation through unlawful inciting the violation of the Public Health Control Act, and the Defendant applied for provisional measures to suspend the performance of the duties of the Chairperson and the Defendant’s order to the Plaintiff on April 15, 2015.” In addition, the Defendant’s National Federation, on the ground that it conspireded the Plaintiff’s immediate appeal to the Plaintiff’s member, a member of the National Assembly, and the Defendant continued to dismiss the Plaintiff’s order through the Defendant’s resolution to suspend the performance of duties.”