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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대전지방법원서산지원 2015.02.06 2013가합1005 (1)
사정재판에 대한 이의의 소

1. With respect to the case of Seosan Branch of Daejeon District Court No. 2008 Book 1, the above court is among the judgments under circumstances rendered on January 15, 2013.


1. Basic facts

A. The occurrence of the instant oil pollution accident and the Defendants’ status (i.e., the occurrence of the instant oil pollution accident) <1> around 07:06 on December 7, 2007; 1) on the sea of the 6-day southwest-gun, Taenam-gun, Taenam-gun, Taenam-do, the Namwest-do, which was towed by two towing boats on the sea of 11,828 tons of Samsung Heavy Industries, at the 146,848 tons of the Hong Kong Ship at the anchor of Samsung Heavy-gun, Samsung Heavy, Samsung, the 146,848 tons of the instant oil tanker “HEBE SPRIT (hereinafter “instant oil tanker”) (hereinafter “instant oil tanker”). In collision with the oil tanker “Ha Kong-si, the oil tanker was sold at the port of 1,3,500 tons of crude oil, 10,900 tons of crude oil loaded in the instant oil tanker (hereinafter “the instant oil tanker”).

(2) On December 10, 2007, the accident occurred, 15 hours after the occurrence of the accident, the outflow oil was pushed down to the coast of the Yananan-gun, Yan-gun, Yan-gun, Yan-gun, the southwest-gun, the coast of the accident. On December 10, 2007, the fourth day after the accident occurred, the outflow oil was spreaded over about 50km from the west-gun, Yan-gun, Yan-gun to the southwest-gun, the length of the affected coast was about 70km.

③ Since December 10, 2007, the outflow of oil came into the coast of Chungcheongnam-si, Chungcheongnam-do, around December 15, 2007, with the effect of tidal wave, repeated inflow and outflow into the coast and the outer sea due to the impact of tidal currents, repeated flow into the coast and flow into the coast of the west-si, Chungcheongnam-do.

The Defendants, at the time of the instant accident, were living in Bosna at the time of the instant accident, who was engaged in the instant fishing business after completing the report on the last hand hand, as indicated in the following table. However, the Defendants were unable to normally operate for a certain period of time due to the spread of leaked oil after the instant accident.

374 YB AB 207-11-15 2012-114 375 on the date when the reporting period begins.
