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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울북부지방법원 2018.05.03 2018고단808

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

1. The fraud financial fraud group is an organization that assumes a false loan company to unspecified Korean people and takes money transfer from victims to the "Spoot passbook" in the name of the victims.

The role of the telephone finance fraud group is divided into: “total liability” in charge of organic communications between the braille organizations; “ Call center” in China via phone calls from Korean people; “passing passbook recruitment” in order to invite Korean people to commit the crime; “management account” in ordering the withdrawal, etc. of the amount of damage deposited in the passbook; “book of withdrawal of cash deposited in the passbook in Korea” in order to withdraw the amount of damage deposited in the passbook; “book of withdrawal of cash deposited in the passbook in Korea”; and “delivery of cash withdrawn” in response to arrest of the withdrawn cash to the staff of another telephone finance fraud group; and is operated in the form of a thorough occupation organization.

The Defendant agreed to receive KRW 150,000 per day in return for the receipt of the face-to-face (F) and the check-to-face (F), and then withdraw cash by using it, and transfer cash to an account designated by the above “F” or to deliver cash to another officer upon receipt of the victims’ money deposited by the victims.

A. On February 20, 2018, on or around February 20, 2018, the name infinites of the crime telephone finance fraud group were false as if they could allow the victim G to provide loans despite having no intent or ability to provide loans to the victim G, and the member was transferred KRW 5,638,700 from the victim G to the account of the H bank of the H-person managed by the telephone finance fraud group (Account Number: I) around 14:31 on the same day.

In addition, on February 20, 2018, the name infinites of the telephone finance fraud group were loans to the victim's name in spite of the victim's name infinites who did not have the intent or ability to make loans to the victim's name infinites.
